Inner Truth: Spirituality is serving

Service is the essential Spirituality. Visits to the temple, mosque or church every day may or may not imply spirituality depending on the innermost intention of the person involved, but serving others with a pure and seeking heart is true spirituality. One of my dads friends who used to tour temples every summer vacation, contradicted this truism in his life. Whenever a beggar came near him, he would drive them away, saying they were dirty and smelly. Often people may skip going to church or to the temple and instead go to serve at an orphanage or help the needy on a Sunday. These are truly spiritual acts. In the world we live in, it is often difficult for people to share their possessions (because of various reasons) yet doing so requires a courage which is akin to genuine spiritual courage. People everywhere should be encouraged to share their money and time with the less fortunate. Yet if this is done for the sake of fame and for showing-off, then the purpose and intent of Spirituality is contradicted.

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Inner Truth: Spirituality is serving

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