Get High and Do Yoga

To some people, smoking marijuana is a sport. Then there are those yoga types who consider downward dog the finest high around.

And then there's Ganja Yoga, which combines pot smoking and yoga, both of which are inarguably meditative.

Though cannabis has long been associated with meditation, Dee Dussault , a yoga, tantra, and sex educator who founded Ganja Yoga, says her classes are the first to offer a blend of herb and yoga outside of India. She first started teaching the classes in Toronto in 2009, and now offers them multiple times a day in SoMa. In a San Francisco Chroniclestory today, she emphasized cannabis as a route to spiritual awakening:

"Whether you call it getting high, medicating, or sacramental use," she writes on her website, "this yoga treats cannabis as a medicine and spiritual teacher, and I offer these enhanced yogic journeys as opportunities for trippy relaxation, pain-relief, and the cultivation of inner peace."

Ganja Yoga students partake together in the first 15 minutes of class, provided they have a legal medical marijuana card. Those without the magic card are encouraged to smoke before class. Once stoned, the yoga positions are kept deliberately easy, Dussault said, so as to not strain your altered state of mind (or hamstrings).

So don't worry about falling over or perfecting your warrior one position: This is about getting stoned and taking it slow.

From Leafly:

Check out more about Ganja Yoga at Dussault's website, or signup directly at

[via SF Chron]

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Get High and Do Yoga

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