Announcing my Next Point of Inquiry Guest: Elaine Ecklund | The Intersection

For my next show, I'm going to be interviewing Rice University sociologist Elaine Ecklund about her new book, Science vs. Religion: What Scientists Really Think. After merely mentioning this book's existence drew over 180 comments on the blog recently, I get the feeling that really digesting Ecklund's findings will make for quite a show. It is worth noting that this will be the first time a Point of Inquiry show that I've done has gotten into the hotly contested subject of science and religion. My own views on this topic are widely known, have been widely aired and debated, and also sometimes criticized. See, e.g., my POI episode with D.J. Grothe about Unscientific America. In that show I was the guest; but now I'm in the host's shoes at Point of Inquiry, and my goals and responsibilities are very different. Rather than advancing a particular view, my objective will be to include a diversity of voices on science and religion--starting with Ecklund, but extending to include a range of perspectives as I do more shows in the future. That includes interviewing “New Atheists” like Vic Stenger and others. With that said, then, I'm encouraging folks to submit questions for Dr. Ecklund, either here ...

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