Boortz may rejoin the Libertarian Party, maybe not?

From Eric Dondero:

Atlanta-based radio talk show host, and longtime Libertarian Party member Neal Boortz, made a splash last year when he decided to move to Florida, and switch his party registration to Republican. He did it to vote for libertarian-leaning conservative Marco Rubio in the GOP primary against moderate Charlie Crist. But two developments have occured in the last few weeks to dramatically change the dynamic.

1. The Libertarian Party of Texas uninvited Boortz as a speaker, and shot out a press release announcing the snub.

2. Charlie Crist has decided to run for Senate as an independent.

Now Boortz, is in a pickle as he describes at Neals Nuze:

It looks like tomorrow Florida Republican Governor Charlie Crist will announce that he is with withdrawing from the GOP Senate primary and run for the Senate from Florida as an Independent. Here's hoping the voters in Florida will show him the error of his stimulus-bill-loving ways.

Now this does bring up my voter registration in Florida. In Florida you have to declare a party. I chose Republican for one reason ... to vote for Marco Rubio in the primary. Now that this isn't going to be an issue, should I change my registration? That would mean that I register with a "minor party" and then write Libertarian. Yes ... I'm considering this (not that it matters in the grand scheme of things), but considering the way the Libertarian Party has been behaving toward me lately ... perhaps not.

Boortz has long been identified with the Pro-Defense wing of the Libertarian Party. In 2004, he bucked the AntiWar Libertarian nominee Michael Badnarik and publicly backed "Libertarians for Bush." Boortz backed the War in Iraq at the time, and caught a great deal of criticism from Libertarian Party members for his stance.

Note - Libertarians for Bush was the precursor for

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