Community Expects Comets to Stay in Utica

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Ever since the Comets came to Utica last year, there's been speculation the city is only a temporary home. But despite a recent spark to those rumors, many community members don't believe the hype. Alana LaFlore has more on why people are optimistic the hockey team is here to stay.

UTICA, N.Y. -- Utica is in the midst of a huge revitalization and many attribute some of that recent success to the Comets.

"We have a lot of restaurants popping up, because everybody goes out either before or after the games," said Pamela Matt, executive director of the Greater Utica Chamber of Commerce. "Businesses are popping up all over downtown, the hotels are benefiting, there's a lot of energy."

But that faith in the American Hockey League team was questioned when a Minnesota newspaper recently said the AHL was still working on a west coast move for many teams - possibly including the Comets.

"It would have a huge negative impact. It would feel like a major setback because we have made such strides," said Matt. "I'm from Pittsburgh and having a sports team really does have an economic development impact and a community pride impact."

Earlier this year, the Comets president said a move wasn't likely, citing their six-year contract with the Vancouver Canucks.

The Canucks' president caught a game at the Aud recently, and made it clear that an AHL expansion to the west coast wouldn't include the Comets.

"We minimize our travel days because we're in the heart of the American Hockey League which I think is important," said Trevor Linden, president of the Vancouver Canucks. "The atmosphere is tremendous."

The Utica location means more time for practice and time to build a connection with the community.

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Community Expects Comets to Stay in Utica

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