Mapping NASA’s Current Dysfunctionality

'When we understand that slide, we'll have won the war:' US generals given baffling PowerPoint presentation to try to explain Afghanistan mess, The Mail

"Its coloured charts, graphs and bullet-points are supposed to make the most incomprehensible data crystal clear. But even the sharpest military minds in American were left baffled by this PowerPoint slide, a mind-boggling attempt to explain the situation in Afghanistan. 'When we understand that slide, we'll have won the war,' General Stanley McChrystal, the US and NATO force commander, remarked wryly when confronted by the sprawling spaghetti diagram in a briefing."

Keith's note: OK Folks, what would the NASA version of this chart look like - especially right now as the space policy food fight is fully engaged? How would you describe and interconnect the various feuding factions? Click to enlarge.

Reader note: "I can't resist sharing my personal favorite with you. From the old Lunar Architecture Team report" - Paul Spudis (Click to enlarge).

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