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Treating Hormone Imbalance in Women

Hormones are interrelated, yet each performs unique functions in the body, which is why hormone imbalance in women is such an important issue to address. Truly effective hormone balance should focus on a womans total hormone balance and go beyond just suppressing symptoms of hormone imbalance. Total hormone balance treatment has wide-ranging benefits throughout the body and significantly enhances physical and mental well-being. Metropolitan Oasis Medical Aesthetic Center & Spa our approach to female hormone restoration is to restore hormones to optimal, youthful levels. Important hormone imbalance in women issues commonly monitored and treated in our BHRT programs are thyroid, adrenal, pregnenolone, DHEA, and testosterone, to name a few.

A hormone replacement regimen starts with a comprehensive female hormone profile and exam with a practitioner trained in BHRT. Once a baseline hormone profile is established, periodic blood testing is done to monitor hormone levels. Our philosophy at Metropolitan Oasis Medical Aesthetic Center & Spa our approach is to restore hormones to optimal levels using the lowest dose possible to relieve symptoms and maintain steady, consistent levels throughout the day. Therefore, bioidentical hormones are administered at a precise time in a specific form that will support the bodys natural metabolic pathways. We use Bio-identical hormones which have the same molecular structure as the hormones produced naturally in the body. The body does not distinguish between supplemental bio-identical hormones and the hormones produced by the body. As a result, bio-identical hormones are properly utilized and can be naturally metabolized and excreted which means fewer side effects. At Metro Oasis we believe hormone optimization, done correctly, virtually eliminate harmful hormone replacement therapy side effects and restores health.

BHRT Benefits for Women

Helps eliminate or reduce hot flashes

Reduces or eliminates hair loss

Improved sleep

Reduces risks of heart disease

Accelerates fat burning / increased weight loss

Reduces night sweats and insomnia

Enhances sex drive and libido

Protects against fibrocystic breasts

Helps improve memory and concentration

Prevents vaginal thinning & dryness

Increases energy & reduces depression

Improves the skins elasticity

Protects bones from osteoporosis

Encourages bone growth

Estrogen Replacement Therapy in Women Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women begin to appear typically in their mid- 30s when they enter perimenopause and continuing through menopause. Symptoms are often overlooked as they might appear minor in the beginning. In perimenopause, the production of progesterone declines more rapidly than estrogen. The drop in progesterone, the balancing hormone to estrogen, leaves estrogen in excess and is often associated with symptoms of:

Due to Progesterone levels dropping much sooner in life than estrogen, Progesterone replacement is usually needed long before estrogen therapy. Without progesterone to balance out estrogen, by the time a woman enters menopause, she may have already experienced years of hormonal imbalance. Studies have shown that estrogen dominance can lead to an increased risk of diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, and fibrocystic breast disease and other health problems (Kubista 1990; Lee 1996). During menopause and post menopause, estrogen levels also decline. Low levels of estrogen impact a woman in many ways physically and mentally. Some of the most common complaints associated with estrogen deficiency.


Studies have shown, the decline of estrogen levels increases the risk of diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimers and dementia. Safe, effective estrogen replacement should always include progesterone to complement and balance the impact of estrogen. Progesterone plays a major role in relieving menopausal symptoms as well. They both work together to achieve balance in the female body. The great news is that hormone imbalance in women can be corrected safely through the use of bio-identical hormones. Women can finally be relieved of the symptoms that trouble them and effectively protect themselves from diseases associated with hormone imbalance. With customized and supervised treatment, you can feel and look your best again. You Dont Need to Suffer Any Longer Decreased sex drive, loss of firmness in the skin, and increased symptoms of depression can all indicate a hormonal imbalance. Those are in addition to the traditional symptoms of estrogen imbalance like hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and insomnia. Addressing these issues with bioidentical hormone replacement can work for women who are peri-menopausal, menopausal, or suffer from another form of hormonal imbalance. The Types of Hormone Imbalance in Women We Treat and offers hormone replacement therapy for the following hormone imbalance in women:

Bio-identical Estrogen Too much estrogen without enough progesterone is called estrogen dominance and can cause headaches, bloating, weight gain, breast tenderness and may be linked with breast and uterine cancer. Other estrogen imbalances, as caused by post-menopause, can produce decreased sexual function and libido, as well as osteoporosis, hot flashes, weight gain and behavior changes ranging from depression to irritability to mood swings.

Bio-identical ProgesteroneProgesterone is a hormone involved in the female menstrual cycle and pregnancy, and therefore affects both pre- and post-menopausal women. Progesterone also plays a role in skin elasticity and bone strength and is important to the regulation of ovulation and menstruation. Low levels in younger women are associated with infertility and menstrual irregularities. Post-menopausal women with low progesterone levels will experience severe hot flashes, arthritis, mood swings and depression. Bio-identical TestosteroneTestosterone is a steroid hormone found in both males and females which declines naturally with age in both sexes. Testosterone contributes to the growth of muscle mass, strength, and bone density, as well as playing a major role in the development of reproductive tissues. In women, deficiency of testosterone is characterized by absence of menstruation, decreased libido, hair loss and hot flashes. Bio-identical Human Growth Hormone (HGH)HGH is a hormone that stimulates growth, cell regeneration and reproduction in humans. Growth hormone deficiency is caused by issues in the pituitary gland, and has different effects at different ages. Low levels of HGH in adults is common, and can manifest as lean body mass, poor bone density, and other psychological symptoms like memory loss and depression. Bio-identical ThyroidThe thyroid hormone controls metabolism and energy and can have dangerous effects when levels are low. Deficiency of the thyroid hormone, also called hypothyroidism, can cause extreme weight gain, hair loss, constipation, fatigue, and trouble with memory. Low thyroid issues can also cause slowed speech, carpal tunnel syndrome, and goiters. Bio-identical Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)DHEA is a hormone created by the adrenal glands and is a precursor to all major sex hormones. It is common for DHEA production to significantly drop off as we age, and women typically have lower levels of DHEA than men. Symptoms of decreased levels of DHEA are extreme fatigue, low libido, decreased muscle mass, depression and aching joints.

Bio-identical PregnenolonePregnenolone is a hormone tasked with controlling the sex and adrenal hormones of the body. Not only does pregnenolone control other hormones, it also improves the transmission of communication between brain cells. Those with low pregnenolone suffer from low energy, low to extreme moodiness, and short term memory failure. Depression and cluster headaches are also signs of low pregnenolone. How Long Does Menopause Last And When Does It End? If youve experienced some of the symptoms of menopause youre probably wondering how long does menopause last? When will it start and when will it end? Menopause is a natural life transition and can be broken down into 3 stages.

Stage 1: Perimenopause This starts anywhere between age 35 and 55. It typically lasts 3-5 years though in some cases it may last up to 10 years. Perimenopause starts when your menstrual cycle becomes erratic. Symptoms include:

Hot flushes

Elevated heart rate

Mood swings


Night sweats

Urinary incontinence

Stage 2: Menopause Menopause starts 12 months after your last menstrual cycle. The perimenopausal symptoms are the same, though they may decrease or increase in severity. Menopause lasts anywhere between 12 and 36 months.

Stage 3: Postmenopause Technically, postmenopause is the period when your Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) levels show a sharp increase due to the shutting down of the ovaries. This can be confirmed by a blood test. Postmenopause restores a new balance to your endocrine system, thus stopping most or all of the menopause symptoms.

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