Libertarian Party candidate for Arizona Governor Bruce Olsen, praises opponent Republican Jan Brewer for Immigration crack-down

From Eric Dondero:

Two days ago, upon the signing of legislation cracking down on illegal immigration by Republican Governor Jan Brewer, the leading Libertarian candidate for Governor in the State, Bruce Olsen issued the following statement (via IPR):

Well, Governor Brewer , your making it tough to run against ya. Im proud to call you Governor. This will be the first step , other states must follow suit. Now its up to the county Sheriffs to do their job. The federal government will attempt to stomp on this legislation. All legal Arizonans must stand with our Governor , the legislature, and our law enforcement agencies. Its a great day for Arizona. The message is loud and clear. If your here illegally, leave. Kuddo’s Governor Brewer!

He received immediate criticism for his statement from Party insiders, including his opponent for the LP nomination, radical Libertarian and perrennial candidate Barry Hess:

Bruce displays the thought process I see all the time in disgruntled Republicans. He makes it clear that he has no interest in forwarding the libertarian philosophy...

Olsen shot back yesterday with a post on his blog, the aptly named Arizona Sentinel:

For those of you that are of the Libertarian Party, let me direct you to a book written by your VP Nominee in 2008, Wayne Allen Root. I think we can assume that since Wayne made it to the number two slot, it stands to reason that the majority of the Libertarian party agrees with his position on illegal immigration. After reading Waynes book” The Conscience of a Libertarian” I knew I had found a political home.

Let me suggest that you buy this book and pay particular attention to Chapter 21 page 223-233. Let me also suggest that you join a minuteman group, go to the border, participate in several events. After 5-6 events, I will bet a big mac and fries that your views will be different than they are today. By the way, I like mine with cheese. I can also tell you that having traveled all over the state since September collecting signatures from registered Libertarians. The views expressed above by nay sayers are not common in rural Arizona. I've received emails from registered Libertarians from all over the state, supporting border security. And the Independants are all over making our borders secure and removing illegal aliens from our states.

Olsen and Barry Hess will face off in a primary and Olsen is expected to prevail in the primary given his support statewide by constitutionalists, right libertarians and those concerned with immigration. They will face off in the primary, but not at the Libertarian Party convention.

Note - Olsen is a Veteran of the United States Military (bio). He served in both the US Navy as a crew chief and then later did a tour in the US Air Force. Hess's website bio lists no Military Service, rather he was an English major in college.

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