NCBI ROFL: Bad news: you have a tumor. Good news: it’s really cute! | Discoblog

Pathologists must get bored staring at tumors all day, so they start imagining little friends in their samples. There are numerous papers in PubMed highlighting their “discoveries” (or perhaps the results of self-imposed Rorschach tests?). Here are five of our favorites:

“A 46-year-old woman had an excisional breast biopsy that revealed nonproliferative fibrocystic changes as the only histopathologic abnormality. Although it was not Easter at the time of diagnosis, an Easter bunny was found hiding in one of the dilated ducts, which also contained amorphous eosinophilic secretions. A benign diagnosis in a breast biopsy (or any other biopsy) is good news for the patient at any time of the year, but even more special when accompanied by this little fellow.”

Images in pathology. Invasive squamous cell carcinoma of vulva that wanted to be a puppy.

“Squamous cell carcinomas of the vulva are usually well differentiated. Foci of invasion may be well circumscribed and show maturation (the head of the puppy). For such foci located close to the epidermis, diagnosis of invasion may pose a challenge. Careful examination and deeper levels may disclose clear cut foci of invasion. How many such foci can you find here? For answer see below.”


At least 3:
Below the hind foot
In front of the neck
Above the tail”

Images in pathology. Even the bone smiles!

“Figure 1 shows an unusual bone finding from a 56-year-old woman’s biopsy. We encountered a “smiling” osseous trabecula; we do not know why it is so happy; nevertheless we want to share it with all fellow pathologists because a beautiful smile is always a beautiful smile!”


Images in pathology: parotid bunny eating carrot.


Just look at that cute fluffy little tail!

Images in pathology: Snoopy in flight gear.

“Electron microscopy of a mesangial region from a glomerulus demonstrating an
interesting artifact.”


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