Space Station Wins Prize for Work Toward International Cooperation

TheInternational Space Station, co-managed bythe U.S. andRussia, was awarded Germany's Peace ofWestphalia Prize onSaturday forfacilitating cooperation between theonce-bitter adversaries.

Theprize takes its name fromthe landmark 1648 Treaty ofWestphalia, which ended decades ofwar between theEuropean powers anddefined thenation state as asovereign entity, laying thegroundwork forthe international system as we understand it today.

Other notable winners ofthe prize include former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan andformer German chancellor Helmut Schmidt.

"The success ofthis 'outpost ofhumanity' inspace proves that peaceful international cooperation bypartners fromdifferent cultures is possible," theprize's German award group said ina statement.

TheInternational Space Station program, which coordinates the15 partner space agencies that support thespace station andpay forthe $160 billion thestation has cost so far, was up forbut did not win the2014 Nobel Peace Prize.

TheISS has weathered aseries ofpolitical storms inits 14 years ofexistence, earning aspot foritself as one ofthe most productive partnerships ever established between theU.S. andRussia.

Men andwomen who were enemies during theCold War "now live andwork together inclose quarters," thestatement said.

However, thecrisis inUkraine has tested theresolve ofthe space station partners. With diplomatic ties fraying atall levels as Russia andthe West butt heads over Ukraine, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin inMay said that Russia may not be interested inremaining inthe program beyond 2020.

Forthe moment, NASA andits Russian counterpart, Roscosmos, have successfully warded off any further political encroachments ontheir work.

Theleaders ofthe space agencies involved inthe ISS program will hold their annual meeting inParis next week todiscuss thestate ofthe program andits future.

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Space Station Wins Prize for Work Toward International Cooperation

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