Discovery to Land

UPDATE: Picture perfect landing, welcome home!

Deorbit burn complete. Discovery to land at Kennedy Space Center at 09:08 ET.

It’s all but a sure bet the landing will be today, the question is: where is it going to land?

The first Kennedy Space Center opportunity was waved off due to weather constraints.  It sounds like the next orbit will probably see a deorbit burn and a return.  This one is interesting because they can choose either Edwards (landing at 09:01 ET) or Kennedy (09:08 ET) with just a few changes in flight logistics.

The training aircraft are up taking air-data for landing at both locations.

As of 06:57 am it appears KSC is going to be the spot.  Deorbit burn to occur at just after 8 am ET.

Below are the groundtracks for orbit 238 landing:

Orbit 238 groundtrack. Credit: NASA

Orbit 238 groundtrack. Credit: NASA

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