how is the calendar and when are the long weekends in the year – Explica

After a 2020 marked by the coronavirus, started a new year in which there will be 18 holidays that will seek to shore up tourism, one of the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic.

More than a month in advance, the national government set what will be the three bridge holidays, established in order to promote the activity, through Decree 947/2020, published on November 26.

The standard provided that these will be:

On Monday, May 24, in the prelude to the national day in memory of the May Revolution. On Friday, October 8, in anticipation of the Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity. On Monday, November 22, after the Day of National Sovereignty.

The norm recalls that the Executive Power is empowered to set annually up to three holidays or non-working days destined to promote tourist activity, which must coincide with Monday or Friday.

In the text, it was established that this faculty becomes a policy aimed at boost domestic tourism in the Argentine RepublicAnd, in turn, it was mentioned that those three days are related to helping to reduce the negative effects of seasonality in the tourism sector, trying to distribute them over time.

In addition, there will be 11 fixed holidays, five of which will lead to long weekends:

1 of January New Year). April 2 (Veterans Day and the Fallen in the Malvinas War, and Good Friday). July 9 (Independence Day). February 15 and 16 (Carnival).

Two of the immovable holidays fall on weekends and will not have modifications:

May 1 (Labor Day). 25th December, Christmas).

On the other hand, there will be four portable holidays at the ends of generating long weekends:

Thursday, June 17 (Passage to the Immortality of General Gemes) will be held on Monday, June 21. On Tuesday, August 17 (General Jos de San Martns Passage to Immortality) is moved to Monday, August 16. Tuesday, October 12 (Respect for Cultural Diversity Day) moves to Monday through October 11. Saturday November 20 (National Sovereignty Day) goes to Monday November 22.

January 1: New Years February 15: Carnival February 16: Carnival March 24: National Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice April 1: Holy Thursday April 2: Veterans Day and the Memorial Day Malvinas War, and Good Friday May 1: Labor Day May 24: Holiday for tourist purposes May 25: Day of the May Revolution June 20: Day of the Immortality of General Manuel Belgrano June 21: Day of the Passage to the Immortality of General Martn de Gemes July 9: Independence Day August 16: Passage to the Immortality of General Jos de San Martn October 8: Holiday for tourist purposes October 11: Day of Respect for the Cultural Diversity November 20: National Sovereignty Day November 22: Holiday for tourism purposes December 8: Immaculate Conception of Mary December 25: Christmas

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how is the calendar and when are the long weekends in the year - Explica

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