Inside the Office: A Birthday Surprise

Chris RodeIn an environment where everyone is always busy working on issues, we are able to find the time to have some fun – especially for birthdays.

Chris Valderrama is our technical support manager, and today just happens to be his birthday. Our goal as a company is to create the best customer experience possible and that task is made easier when employees work in a great environment. Chris has been instrumental in implementing changes that have helped us provide even better service, so with grateful hearts — and devilish grins — a few “anonymous” employees wanted to help him celebrate his birthday:

Just when you thought it was safe to have a birthday at The Planet … You come into the office to find Cookie Monster wallpaper and sea of balloons adorning your workspace. There are Real California Milk advertisements that say “Great cheese comes from happy cows. Happy cows come from California.” Using this impromptu birthday surprise as an example, I’d repurpose that quote to say, “Great services comes from happy support. Happy support comes from The Planet.”



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