50 years old | Ainos daughter has been the most demanding coworker of illustrator Ville Tietvinen Nothing suited her without negotiation – Pledge…

The conscious does not believe that anything digital will last very long.

Cartoon artist and illustrator Ville Tietvinen turns 50, but his thoughts revolve on three time levels within a radius of 5,000 years, from the Bronze Age to the present.

Iiro Kttnerin scripted cartoon work Spacing is nearing completion.

Its based on the earliest found Aramaic scroll that tells a version of a 5,000-year-old flood story, Tietvinen says.

An archaeological detective story in modern times explores what really happened in the days of Noah and how history was rewritten in 450 BC when book scrolls were burned in the Jerusalem temple.

Spacing will be released next fall. Knowledgeable and known as a screenwriter, Kttner has used the University of Helsinkis Old Testament Exegesis Lecturer as an expert. Kirsi Valkamaatawho, according to Tietvinen, knows the Bronze Age very well.

The Dead Sea the scrolls have made the Knowledgeable think modern digital. There are still mostly parts of them, but something has survived.

SpacingWhen making the book, the belief in anything permanent has faltered. But if anything about us survives, then books. I dont think anything digital will last very long. I cling to analog and as old ways as possible to tell new stories.

Culture and art have traditionally been seen to represent the mortal mans desire for immortality, a means to leave a mark on the world of itself.

Immortality was also discussed by the photographer Maija Tammen made with Immortal (2020), a combination of art and non-fiction. It tells of a Hydra polyp that does not age and could live forever unless external factors kill it.

Known with Kttner has done the same Tree stories trilogy, picture books for adults. Thinning was supposed to be the next part of the series, but the Knowledgeable liked the idea by asking Kttner to expand the comic script from it.

About thinning becomes more than 140 pages long, the most extensive work of the conscious then Invisible hands comic book work (2011).

The book about a paperless Moroccan immigrant received tremendous publicity, was taken in four editions, and translated into German, French, Swedish, and Arabic.

Invisible hands i did five years, drawing took three years. Thinning Ive done a couple of years. A cartoon is a cumbersome way of telling stories, so its not worth using for day flies. But I miss that dialogue of image and word.

Knowledgeable especially to draw his comics in a laborious, almost as laborious style as his illustrations. Many cartoonists use lighter techniques.

Invisible hands after the conscious artistic burden has been lightened by collaborators, Kttner and Tammi, but also Aino Tietvinen, his own daughter, with whom Tietvinen made a book mixing comics and picture books Just a bad dream (2013) Ainos dreams.

I thought I was a perfectionist, but Maija was interested in all the steps of making a book. It is enjoyable to work with Iiro because he knows everything about the structures of the stories and is therefore able to break them.

But Aino has definitely been the most demanding partner. Nothing suited him without negotiation. But I had to illustrate his imagination.

At the time of writing, Aino Tietvinen was 67 years old.

Ville Tietvinen became interested in making comics only as an adult, while studying. He studied architecture. First-born Smiling moon (1995) was born then Harri Hannulan with.

We started making the best cartoon in the world. Now I hope the publisher has rejected it. I graduated as an architect, but I havent done those jobs in a single day. I am not formally valid for anything I do.

In addition to his own books, Tietvinen has made layouts, stamps, posters and more for other books. After comics, he is best known for magazine illustrations. He has done journalistic illustration Ville Hnninen with book Narrative image (2018).

Even in illustrating magazines, the Knowledgeable is more fascinated by paper than the web, even though he uses digital aids in drawing. He says the golden age of newspaper illustration is ten years behind. Before, more than half of Knights work was in it, now about a quarter.

Illustration can deepen the news in a different way than photography, but the savings have struck and it is being used less all the time. Images increase but content does not. It is claimed that we live in visual time, but this does not always seem to be the case.


Born in Helsinki in 1970.

Graduated as an architect from the Helsinki University of Technology in 2000.

Illustrations from the 1990s to Helsingin Sanomat, Yliopisto magazine and Suomen Kuvalehti, among others.

Comic books: Smiling Moon (1995), Birds and Seas (2003), Invisible Hands (2011), Only Bad Dream (2013).

Storybook series Trees of Trees (20142015) with Iiro Kttner.

Picture book Invisible (2016) with Elina Hirvonen.

Narrative image non-fiction book (2018) on journalistic illustration with Ville Hnninen.

Art book Immortal Lost Memoirs of Cornelia Dulac Concerning the Freshwater Polyp Hydra (2020) with Maija Tammi.

Awards include: Finnish Critics Associations Criticism Incentives for Birds and the Sea 2004, Finnish Cultural Foundations Invisible Hands Award 2011.

Turns 50 on Tuesday 20.10.


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50 years old | Ainos daughter has been the most demanding coworker of illustrator Ville Tietvinen Nothing suited her without negotiation - Pledge...

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