Immortality concepts: Awareness is released right into deep space after death claim – Entertainment Overdose

Following complications during surgery, a woman called Emil temporarily died. While Emis heart only stopped beating for a matter of moments, Emi feels like she spent a lifetime in what she believes was the afterlife. According to Emi, she believes the afterlife consisted of flying through the Universe and gaining an understanding of how everything in the cosmos is connected.

Writing on the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, Emi said: I had the sense that I was floating in the universe. It was like a long journey, while I flying in the universe.

I didnt feel my body. I was only my consciousness or my spirit. I really liked this happy journey. The place was completely dark. I attained a nturl buoyncy, like I ws scub diving.

I ws floting in the universe without my body. It ws like I ws floting in my mothers womb.

I ws free. All the while, I ws surrounded by feeling of tremendous love.

I felt connection with everyones spirit nd ll energy. I wsnt frid nd I felt so hppy.

Then, I understood tht we re ll connected to ech other nd I revelled in this knowledge.

I felt comfortble nd lso united with the world. I thought tht I wnted to sty here forever.

Some experts do believe tht the consciousness is freed unto the Universe following deth.

Former University of Oxford professor Peter Russell, uthor of The Globl Brin, told Conscious Lifestyle Mg: It would seem tht one wy of understnding it is tht the individul consciousness is dissolving bck into the infinite consciousness.

The consciousness tht I experience hs this individul limittion becuse it is functioning in the world through my body, through my nervous system, through my eyes nd ers.

Thts where our sense of being unique individul comes from.

When we begin to die nd let go of our ttchment to the body, consciousness lets go of tht identity which it gined from its worldly functioning nd reconnects with greter infinite identity.

Those whove hd ner-deth experiences often report there seems to be this dissolving of the senses, nd moving into light. Everything becomes light fter deth.

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Immortality concepts: Awareness is released right into deep space after death claim - Entertainment Overdose

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