Muslim Diplomat from Qatar smoking on flight: Pot, Hashish or Crack Cocaine?

Caught with special Pipe

Urban Dictionary Definition ( - "One-hitter"

device for smoking dope, very small made for 1 hit, or...

A type of weed-smoking paraphernalia that traditionally refers to pipe that deliberately mimics the shape of a cigarette. In areas of the world where it is illegal to smoke weed

Fox News has breaking details of last week's near-Islamic Terrorist incident aboard a US jetliner.

Turns out the Diplomat in question was not lighting his shoes on fire, though he joked to Air Marshals that he might be. Rather, indications are he was actually smoking a "substance," other than tobacco in the lavoratory.


Catherine Herridge: The impression we were left with yesterday was that the Embassy, the Qatar Embassy would clean up this mess.

Shep: Any more information on what was happening on that plane specifically Katherine?

Catherine Herridge: Well, well... I heard this first from a diplomatic source who knows Al Madadi, is that he was not smoking a cigarette, but he was smoking a pipe. And it was not the kind of pipe that your grandfather might have had.

(conversation turns from serious to light chatter)

Shep: I heard it was a one-hitter.

Catherine Herridge: Ya know, I heard that too.

The administration is releasing few details. But bloggers and even mainstream media sources are speculating on a wide range of substances all the way from simple marijuana to even crack cocaine or opium.

Madadi has not been charged either on drug possesion or smoking onboard a flight. He is receiving special treatment due to his diplomatic status.

According to AmericasNewsOnline:

the diplomat was released to return to Washington…without charges being pressed.

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