Shark nets for WA beaches

Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren claims The Old Dunsborough shark net had big holes in it. Photo: Lynn MacLaren

The Premier has announced a new shark net will be installed on a Busselton beach and more West Australian beaches are being considered for shark barriers.

Premier Colin Barnett made the announcement while in Busselton on Friday.

The Premier also announced that aerial patrols would begin eight weeks earlier than usual for the South West region.


Mr Barnett said the State Government would provide Surf Life Saving WA with an additional $650,000 in this year to extend aerial patrols to cover the school holiday period beginning this Saturday, weekends and public holidays, before daily patrols start over the summer period, starting November 24.

The move follows the Environmental Protection Authority's rejection of the state government's proposal to use drum lines for the next three summers.

The government had planned to continue the kill zone policy where baited hooks on drum lines were set one kilometre from shore on selected WA beaches.

Any great white, bull or tiger shark longer than three metres wa shot dead as part of the program designed to reduce the risk of shark attacks. It was promptedby seven deaths as a result of shark attacks in WA over three years.

Following the EPA's rejection of the drum lines plan Mr Barnett ruled out using drum lines this summer, but said he was still considering other methods to keep beach-goers safe.

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Shark nets for WA beaches

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