CONNECTICUT: Could AntiWar Democrat Ned Lamont become a Two-time Loser?

Netroots/Daily Kos candidate consistently behind in polls

There's a race in Connecticut that has been pretty much under the radar given the high profile Senate race (Linda McMahon, Peter Schiff and Rob Simmons vs. Richard Bloomenthal). Incumbent Governor Judy Roell, a Republican, is not seeking a second term. But the GOP is looking good to keep the seat.

From Rasmussen (via Hedgehog):


Tom Foley (R) 44%
Ned Lamont (D) 37%

Foley is a mainline Republican; Chamber of Commerce type, free enterpriser and former US Ambassador to Ireland.

Lamont, of course, is the rabidly Anti-Iraq War Netroots/ favorite, who ran against Joe Lieberman in the Democrat primary in 2008, on a strictly AntiWar platform. Lamont won the primary, but then went on to lose the general election badly, as Lieberman ran as an Independent gaining a great deal of Republican support. He is a wealthy "Green industrialist" from Greenwich who spent millions in that race.

More on the poll from the Connecticut Mirror:

Lamont, who became a national political figure in 2006 with his antiwar challenge of Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, generated the strongest opinions, both positive and negative. Eighteen percent of respondents had a "very favorable" opinion of Lamont, while 22 percent had a "very unfavorable" view.

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