Destiny 2 Datamine Reveals the Return of SIVA | Game Rant – GameRant

A new Destiny 2datamine of the most recent patch has community members speculating about the return of a key piece of technology from the original Destiny. It's a return that many Destiny 2 players are going to be surprised to hear about, because the story was seemingly wrapped up in the Destiny expansion Rise of Iron. The technology is, naturally, SIVA SIVA being the Bray-developed self-replicating nanotechnology initially used by Rasputin against the Iron Lords.

The datamine in question is very interesting to consider. It's a series of file references connected by the term "felwinter." The first such reference is "mission_felwinters_lie_scanning" and the subsequent references are "o_felwinter_coffin," "o_felwinter_resurrect," "o_felwinter_fight," and most importantly "o_felwinter_siva." This is the lone reference to SIVA that dataminers have found, but is nevertheless very intriguing.

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During Destiny, the Fallen House of Devils rediscovered SIVA after it being buried since the Golden Age. Lord Saladin then formed a new generation of Iron Lords to defeat the resurrected threat and was ultimately successful. The Destiny protagonist and crew defeated the SIVA-empowered Fallen and their SIVA replication chamber. While the Guardians reportedly had everything SIVA placed under quarantine, there have been hints that it wasn't fully contained.

The new datamine indicates something worse than a SIVA outbreak, if that can be believed. Felwinter, for those unfamiliar, was an Iron Lord. More than that, he was an Iron Lord which was particularly brutal toward his enemies. The chain of filenames being coffin, resurrect, SIVA, and then fight indicates that it's possible SIVA will be bringing the Golden Age Iron Lord back, but not as a friend.

As for what form SIVA and Felwinter will be revealed in, it's anyone's best guess. Some are predicting a surprise mission toward the end of the current season, or even an Exotic weapon quest. Others think SIVA and Felwinter have a bigger role to play and will be a part of the main story for next season. The datamine shows what's presumably just a single mission, so anything's possible.

Bungie's always revisiting old story beats and introducing new ideas in Destiny 2. It's both surprising and not that SIVA will be coming back, though the scale of SIVA's return is the biggest question. It could be a brief reminder of Destiny 2's Rise of Iron expansion or it could be building toward a major threat arriving in the near or far future. Add it to the list of exciting possibilities coming to Destiny 2 eventually.

Destiny 2 is available now on Google Stadia, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Destiny 2 Datamine Reveals the Return of SIVA | Game Rant - GameRant

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