Community Pushes for Answers on Toxic Chemical Found at McClymonds High – Post News Group

A community meeting, co-hosted by the New McClymonds Committee and the McClymonds 100 Year Committee, is seeking answers about the closure and moving of students and staff to temporary locations after a small amount of a cancer-causing chemical, trichloroethylene (TCE), was discovered in the groundwater at McClymonds High School in West Oakland.

At the meeting, held March 3 at West Oakland Senior Center, parents said they wanted to their children and themselves to be tested for TCE exposure. Others raised suspicions that the school might have been closed to facilitate the transfer of the site to a charter school or to sell the property.

The results of testing of 200 sites on campus in February showed no TCE on campus except for a small concentration in the boiler room in a sump pump, according to Ben Coach Tapscott.

Prior tests in August and October found no TCE on the campus.

If no TCE is found, when will the students be moved back to McClymonds? Asked Tapscott. Hopefully, the kids will get back in their school soon.

Tapscott said another community meeting will be held after March 9 new test results are released.

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Community Pushes for Answers on Toxic Chemical Found at McClymonds High - Post News Group

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