Holi Festival 2020: how the thwarting of a Hindu demon king led to the colourful celebration – The Telegraph

Holi, a traditional Hindu festival whichcelebrates the beginning of spring as well as the triumph of good over evil, is set to takeplace next week.

Although the festival originated in India and is still widely celebrated there as a religious festival, it has been adopted in many places around the world.

Here is everything you need to know about it, from where it came from to why the powder, known as gulal, is thrown.

Every year the festival celebrations take place over two days, beginningaround the time of the full moon that comes in 'Phalguna' (between the end of February and the middle of March). This year, the Holi Festival takes place on Monday March 9,the same day theWorm Moon will grace our skies, and Tuesday March 10.

The first evening is known asHolika Dahan, or Chhoti Holi. Festival-goers traditionally gather around a bonfire to celebrate the victory of good over evil. They perform religious rituals, which include prayers that any evil inside of them is destroyed.

The following day is calledHoli, or Rangwali Holi. This is when the famous colourful powdersare thrown, mixing with water from water guns and water balloons so that the powder sticks to people.

Holi's different celebrations come from various Hindu legends, although one is widely believed to be the most likely origin.

In it, the celebration's name refers to Holika,the sister of the Hindu demon king Hiranyakashipu. The demon king was granted immortality with five powers:

When his immortality turned him evil and he began to kill anyone who disobeyed him,his son, Prahlad, decided to kill him. When the king found out, he asked his sister Holika for help; in their plan she would wear a cloak which stopped her from being harmed by fire and take Prahlad into a bonfire with her.

However, the cloak flew from Holika's shoulders while she was in the fire and covered Prahlad; he was protected but she burnt to death.

In the legend, the Lord Vishnu then appeared to killHiranyakashipu by sidestepping his five powers.

He took the form of Narasimha, who was half-human and half-lion; he met him on a doorstep, which is neither indoors nor outdoors; he appeared at dusk, which is neither daylight nor dusk; he placed his father on his lap, which is neither land, water nor air; and he attacked him with his lion claws, which are neither projectile nor handheld weapons.

While Hiranyakashipu and Holika came to represent evil, Vishnu and Prahlad came to represent good. The story shows the victory of good over evil, which is why it is tied to the festival.

The other most popular origin of the festival is the legend of Krishna. The Hindu deity, embarrassed by his dark blue skin, told his mother he was worried his love Radha would not accept him. She told him to colour Radha's facewhatever colour he wanted; when he did, they became a couple.

The coloured powder - or gulal -thrown on the second day of the festival comes from the legend of Krishna. Anyone at Holi is fair game to be covered in the perfumedpowder as a celebration of Krishna and Radha's love, regardless of age or social status. The powder also signifiesthe coming of spring and all the new colours it brings to nature.

Historically, the gulal was made of turmeric, paste and flower extracts, but today synthetic versions are largely used.

Thefour mainpowder colours are used to represent different things. Red reflects love and fertility, blue is the colour of Krishna, yellow is the colour of turmeric and green symbolises spring and new beginnings.

Peshwari naan

A delicious side dishfor aHoli Festival feast. The coconut in this naan bread also makes it a great sweetener to any spicy meal.

Sweet potato and lentil curry

This healthy, yet tasty, curry, is perfectfor a Holi Festival-inspired lunch.

Red lentil tarka dal

Packed with garlic, ginger and chillies, this dish can be enjoyed as a soothing soup on its own, or with a dollop of yogurt.

Spring onion bhajis

These crispy onion bhajis, made with spring onions, shallots, fresh coriander,turmeric and chilli flakes,offer a zip of freshness.

Excerpt from:
Holi Festival 2020: how the thwarting of a Hindu demon king led to the colourful celebration - The Telegraph

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