Will 2020 bring peace and harmony to Wayne State board? – Crain’s Detroit Business

Kelly said she has a plan to get the board back on better terms and end the constant in-fighting between the four-member faction that wants Wilson fired and the other four members who support Wilson and want to focus on regular university business, Kelly said.

"I certainly have a plan to do that. I am intent to listening to all sides of the conflict: students, faculty, administrators and board members," she said. "I am sitting down with people to talk and hear them out. I want to avoid the repetitions of conflict. I want to hear all sides and hear their positions."

If necessary, Kelly said there are nationally recognized experts that can help the board work through differences. "I am dedicated to making sure the university moves forward," she said.

So far, Kelly said she has met with several board members. "I already met twice with people and I plan to continue that as long as it takes. I am learning new things. You know, if you sit and listen carefully to someone you begin to pick up stuff you never heard of before. It is important that everyone hear and believe the facts."

Kelly said she believes Trent tried to listen to opposing board members. "Kim did have a good line of conversation before with board members, but timing is everything. There are times when people are not open to reconsidering their position. Then, with a change in circumstances, they are. This might be a better time."

When asked what goals she has for 2020, Kelly said her main goal is to listen to all points of view, keep communication lines open and oversee professional board meetings.

"I still hope we can pass a code of conduct" for the Wayne State board," she said. "We need to respond to Higher Learning Commission request of us by the end of March. I don't see why we can't comply."

Among numerous instances that illustrated the board's dysfunction over the past year, four of the board members have rejected the university's proposed code of conduct two times in the past six months. As Wayne State's accrediting body, the HLC issued a report that criticized the university for not having a code of conduct for the board.

See original here:
Will 2020 bring peace and harmony to Wayne State board? - Crain's Detroit Business

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