California Libertarian: Sarah Palin only hope to Save America from Obama/Soros Tyranny


by Mike Zeldis, fmr. State Treasurer, Libertarian Party of California

I have been a Libertarian for over 30 years and many years ago was the CA Libertarian Party Treasurer.

I am also a big supporter of Palin for reasons to be explained below.

These are very dangerous times for America. Obama is an extremely dangerous person for all those who believe in America and the principles on which it was founded.

It is my opinion that Obama is a front for George Soros who wants to establish a one-world government dominated by left wing socialist thinkers and policies. You can check the Net to find the Soros-Obama links including

Please view these videos at the link of EU proceedings.

It seems to me that Soros is using Obama to try and take away America's sovereignty. He is trying to do this by having Obama explode the deficit which as we know will lead to hyper inflation and the crash of the U.S. dollar. Remember how Soros made hundreds of millions if not billions as a direct result of his destruction of the British pound. At that point Obama and his administration will push for America to give up the U.S. dollar and accept a one-world currency which could initially be the Euro. Soros tried this with Great Britain but so far has not succeeded. The next step would be to replace the U.S. Constitution, not that the Democrats or even Republicans adhere to it, with the EU Constitution as the governing law in the U.S.

Based upon what I have observed Palin is the one person, if she gets elected as POTUS in 2012 who could stop this if it hasn't happened by then. Soros/Obama will stop at nothing to win the 2012 election.

As Stalin wrote. It is not the votes that count but who counts the vote that matter. See the recent election in Iran for the latest example of this law.

To that end Soros has set in place an Attorney's General program, which can be Googled, whose goal is to get as many of his people elected to the State Attorneys General position as is possible. In addition news has already surfaced that auditors of the 2010 IT Census program have found all kinds of irregularities in the program. Some of which could very well be used to gerrymander the 2010 and 2012 election results in favor of the Soros/Obama agenda. In addition there has been a bill introduced in Congress to give all U.S. felons, almost all of which are Democrats and number about four million the right to vote. Then there is the Obama's illegal immigration agenda which would add more millions to the Democrat voter rolls.

These are indeed very perilous times for Americans who value their freedom and it is only going to get worse.

It seems to me that Palin is the only person that for the most part represents a true U.S.Constitutional position as envisioned by our founding fathers who could get elected in 2012 and have a chance of stopping and reversing this tyrannical destruction of the U.S that is being advanced by Soros/Obama.

Sarah Palin can save us from the Soros/Obama tyranny.

Editor's Note - Mike Zeldis is a regular reader of LR. He was deeply involved in the California Libertarian Party in the lates 1970s and 80s working closely with California LP Chair and 1984 Libertarian Presidential candidate David Bergland.

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