Resveratrol – Herbs Database | RawlsMD

Truly a wonder substance, Japanese knotweed (JKW) offers exceptional antimicrobial activity. JKW is active against a wide range of stealth microbes.

It is a primary herbal antimicrobial. JKW is a very important general antimicrobial for Lyme, Mycoplasma, fibromyalgia, and viral infections. It also provides coverage against Bartonella, Mycoplasma, Candida, and viruses as well. JKW also offers antiviral, anti-Candida (yeast), and antifungal properties. It has been found to disrupt bacterial biofilms. JKW is a systemic antimicrobial that crosses the blood-brain barrier, and it is protective of the central nervous system. Its also anti-inflammatory and supports immune function.

JKW is a double duty supplement that offers many profound benefits beyond antimicrobial properties. It is a particularly good source of resveratrol, the age-defying substance found in grapes and wine that everybody is talking about. But unlike grapes, JKW provides trans-resveratrol, the form most readily utilized by the body.

Resveratrol offers a list of benefits including potent antioxidant properties and support of normal heart function. It dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow, inhibits platelet aggregation (thins blood), and mildly lowers LDL cholesterol. Resveratrol is also protective of nerve tissue.

Beyond trans-resveratrol, the whole herb offers a spectrum of chemical substances that have medicinal value. Resveratrol and the whole herb support normal immune function and offer anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. JKW has been used in traditional forms of Asian medicine for centuries and offers a high level of safety.

Suggested dosage: 200-800 mg Japanese knotweed (standardized to 50% trans-resveratrol) two to three times daily.

Side effects: Rare with low potential for toxicity. Caution is advised if also taking anticoagulants because resveratrol has blood-thinning properties. Avoid in pregnancy.

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