Comets – Kids Science Videos, Games and Lessons that Make …

Comets are small icy objects that originate in the outer Solar System and orbit around the Sun in elongated elliptical orbits. Comets are made up of loose collections of ice, dust and small rocky particles, and they range in size from few kilometers to tens of kilometers across. When they come near the Sun they partially vaporize, developing a bright tail that is sometimes visible to the naked eye.

Grade: 2 - 12

Explore comets with this video. Learn where comets come from, what they are made of, NASA missions to visit comets and much more.


Grade: 2 - 12

Learn how scientists use observation domes and powerful telescopes to study comets. As the black comet rock reflects back only 4% of the light, these cosmic rocks can be a little tricky to spot.


Grade: 2 - 12

Comets are very important because they represent the leftover bits and pieces from the outer solar system formation process, which took place four and a half billion years ago. In this lesson, learn all about the comets - what they are made up of, their possible role in the origin of life on Earth, NASA missions to comets, and much more.


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Comets - Kids Science Videos, Games and Lessons that Make ...

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