Brazil CONE SNAIL killer kills in 2 hours- subtitled Portuguese – Conus magus venenoso e mortal – Video

Brazil CONE SNAIL killer kills in 2 hours- subtitled Portuguese - Conus magus venenoso e mortal
O veneno do Conus magus, 1000 vezes mais potente que a morfina.As conchas possuem uma enorme beleza , algumas pessoas morrem por pegarem de forma incauta, pois desconhecem os perigos enormes do seu veneno. O Conus está entre os dez venenos mais poderosos do mundo. Possuem um veneno composto de um grande coquetel de toxinas, como as conotoxinas, presentes em seu epitélio-glandular, o qual inocula em um "arpão" contido em uma probóscide. São frequentes os relatos de morte de humanos, em razão de acidentes com conus. Cone snails are part of the phylum Mollusca and the class Gastropoda. These snails can grow to lengths of 23 cm and their beautifully ornamental shells are considered collectors items by many people. They occupy tropical marine waters and are found mostly in coral reefs. Cone Snails are carnivorous, mainly feeding on small fish, marine worms, or even other mollusks. There are an estimated 500 species of Cone Snails. They are divides into three groups according to their diet: piscivores - fish eaters, mollucivores - mollusk/snail eaters, and vermivores - worm eaters. Cone Snails use a venomous harpoon (called a toxoglossan radula) to catch quick-moving prey. They are the world #39;s most venomous mollusk, and were equipped with these harpoons because they are extremely slow and cannot catch prey otherwise. Amazingly, in some of the species, the venom is powerful enough to kill a human being. There have been 30 recorded cases of human deaths as a cause of Cone Snail ...From:aurevlisViews:71 0ratingsTime:04:11More inScience Technology

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Brazil CONE SNAIL killer kills in 2 hours- subtitled Portuguese - Conus magus venenoso e mortal - Video

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