McCain: We’re going to repeal this Sucker

Mainstream Republican gets Tea Party fever

Known as a cautious old guard Republican, Senator John McCain let it rip on George Stephanopolous yesterday morning. Stephanopoulous was taken aback by the old fighter pilot's dogged determination.

From ABC News GMA via Breitbart:

It's a massive government takeover of the health care system of America... With all this euphoria inside the Beltway, all this champagne popping, outside the Beltway the American people don't like it. And we're going to try to repeal it. There will be a very spirited campaign coming up between now and November. And there will be a very heavy price to pay for it.

And in another interview McCain promised to give a big middle finger to the Dems. From The Hill:

"There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year," McCain said during an interview Monday on an Arizona radio affiliate. "They have poisoned the well in what they've done and how they've done it."

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