Rand Paul Wants Bigger GOP: You Go to a Republican Event and Its All White People

Rand Paul spoke at Harvards Kennedy Institute of Politics Friday, and he talked about his libertarian tendencies as well as his desire to broaden the GOP to welcome more people in. He described himself as libertarian-ish, in that despite his very clear libertarian political leanings, hes generally supported fellow Republicans and hasnt really backed Libertarian party candidates (save for his father during his 1988 presidential run).

Paul, according to CNN, also talked about making the Republican party bigger and much more inclusive, saying that unless Republicans broaden their message to reach more people, winning future elections is going to be a bit of a problem.

You go to a Republican event and its all white peoplenot because were excluding anybody, but because we just havent done a good enough job encouraging people to come into our party.

You can watch part of Pauls remarks below, via CNN:

[photo via screengrab]

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Rand Paul Wants Bigger GOP: You Go to a Republican Event and Its All White People

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