Biochemistry – University of Washington

Program Overview

303 Bagley

Biochemistry is the study of the living organism at the molecular level. It draws on the techniques of analytical, organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry in determining the molecular basis of vital processes.

Adviser 303 Bagley, Box 351700 (206) 616-9880, (206) 543-9343, (206) 685-8376

The Biochemistry Program offers the following programs of study:

Suggested First- and Second-Year Courses: BIOL 180, BIOL 200 (or BIOL 201, BIOL 202); CHEM 142, CHEM 152, CHEM 162 (or CHEM 145, CHEM 155, CHEM 165), CHEM 237, CHEM 238, CHEM 239, CHEM 241, CHEM 242; MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126; PHYS 121, PHYS 122, PHYS 123 (or PHYS 114, PHYS 115, PHYS 116 with one physics lab course strongly recommended).

Application to BA and BS degree programs in biochemistry is competitive. Applicants are considered in the following groups: Direct Freshman Admission, Research/Honors Admission, Early Admission, and Regular Admission. Completion of minimum requirements described below does not guarantee admission. All applicants have the right to petition and appeal the department's admission decision. Applications are considered twice each academic year and are due on the second Friday of October and the second Friday of April, with the exception of Direct Freshman Admission. The application and additional information is available at

105 credits, as follows:

Program admission requirements same as for BS degree, above.

90-92 credits as follows:

All students must make satisfactory academic progress in the major. Failure to do so results in probation, which can lead to dismissal from the major. For the complete continuation policy, contact the departmental adviser or refer to the department website.

Students planning a career in biomedical research, the health professions, or biotechnology find the biochemistry degree to be an excellent choice. The degree is also good preparation for graduate school in any aspect of biochemical or biomedical research.

Of Special Note:

Program Overview

Undergraduate Program

Time Schedule

Academic Planning Worksheet

Program Web Page

Program Faculty

Course Descriptions

Biochemistry - University of Washington

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