Medicine Hat car dealer's death linked to victim of police shooting

Authorities are now investigating the killing of a Medicine Hat businessman alongside the fatal shooting of a man suspected of involvement in the slaying.

A source confirmed Medicine Hat businessman Chester Hunchak, who owns a used car dealership and rental agency in Medicine Hat, was the subject of a missing person investigation that drew city police to a rural property outside the southern Alberta city on Saturday afternoon.

The residence was the scene of a fatal shooting Saturday, when a Medicine Hat police officer fired on a man outside the home.

The shooting is being investigated by the Alberta Serious Response Team (ASIRT), a provincial unit that probes events involving police that result in death or serious injury.

In a synopsis of events released by ASIRT on Monday, investigators said a Medicine Hat police officer fired a single shot at the man when he got into a vehicle and drove toward officers surrounding the property at about 2:30 p.m.

ASIRT said officers also saw the man moving a body from the rear of the house prior to grabbing a firearm and getting into the vehicle.

Authorities have not officially released Hunchaks name or disclosed the identity of the man killed by police.

The incident began earlier in the day Saturday, when a Medicine Hat police officer investigating Hunchaks disappearance spotted a vehicle on the suspects property and pulled into the driveway.

Police said an armed suspect came out of the house and pointed a firearm at the officer, who retreated to his vehicle.

The officer immediately contacted the RCMP, which has jurisdiction over the area outside Medicine Hat city limits. Officers from both police departments surrounded the house.


Medicine Hat car dealer's death linked to victim of police shooting

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