Spiritual Enlightenment – Meditation to Enlightenment

In the most ancient civilisations of the world one finds great truths discovered by sages through meditation. Religions talk freely of what their Prophets discovered but cannot offer anything to anyone. Before proceeding any further, it is important to understand two things: 1) what is meditation? and 2) what is meditation for?

There is a very old statement which says that meditation starts when thought stops and there can be many different forms of meditation. But the subject of meditation I am talking about has nothing to do with any religion, any form of religion or any denomination of religion. Its about expanding a persons awareness, increasing their identity, their sense of self, and ultimately, it is expanded to infinity or Enlightenment, which is what lies behind everything and makes the universe possible. Now, that can sound very big, and to some people out there, it might even sound scary. But the reason a man lives a life of fear and anxiety, in fact, it can be said that a man is frightened to live and scared to die, its because living down here, he is as far away from the Cause of infinite love as he can actually get. So, as we get closer and closer to the source of everything, the energy and bliss and the love we experience gets greater and greater and greater.

For thousands of years mankind has been baffled by the question as to what is the purpose of human life, why am I born? Where have I come from? And where will I go when I die? Such questions remain un-answered, questions such as what does spirituality really involve, and is it possible to answer this for ourselves? The answer is yes. We are neither here by chance nor by accident, but there is a definite purpose to our life on this physical plane.

The very reason for the purpose of this life is to discover for ourselves the inseparability of man from God through the Grace of an Enlightened Teacher.


Spiritual Enlightenment - Meditation to Enlightenment

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