The Science Will Be Televised: DISCOVER Appears on Colbert Report & Fox News | Discoblog

DISCOVER hit the airwaves yesterday. First, Editor-in-Chief Corey Powell appeared on Fox News to talk NASA and Mars—specifically the agency’s idea for “Tumbleweeds,” or inexpensive round explorers that could bound around the surface of the Red Planet, tossed by the wind. Given the uncertain state of NASA funding, Powell says, the future of exploration could look a lot like these intrepid little bots:

Secondly, if you stayed up late enough to catch the end of “The Colbert Report,” you saw Sean Carroll—who writes for the DISCOVER blog Cosmic Variance—talking time, the multiverse, and his new book From Eternity to Here. Besides surviving the cauldron that is talking to Colbert while still hitting some key scientific points, Carroll also accidentally thinks up a great title for an album:

The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Sean Carroll
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorSkate Expectations

Check out Carroll’s cover story for the March issue of DISCOVER, “The Real Rules for Time Travelers.”

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Cosmic Variance: Report from Colbert, Carroll’s account of visiting the show
Cosmic Variance: From Eternity to Here Book Club

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