Town hall series explores Medical School regimen

An outsiders perception of the life of a medical student likely consists of a tedious courseload and hours spent memorizing facts and processes. But, more than a few books aside, more experiences outside of a lab lie ahead for those aspiring to become a healthcare professional.

In a lecture Tuesday, Joseph Kolars, senior associate dean for education and global initiatives at the Medical School, emphasized the development of a curriculum that produces socially aware students. The lecture occurred as part of a series of town hall meetings aimed at professors, researchers, students and other members of the Medical School community.

The town hall series exists to allow the community to take part in discussions about important issues related to the Medical School and offer a variety of perspectives on changes that will affect them. Tuesdays meeting was the fifth in the series, which was first announced in the fall.

Kolars said this lecture was focused on advising professors to step back and reconsider the central ideas of success within the Medical School before developing a new curriculum.

While the series emphasizes change within the Medical School, Kolars addressed why many people ask, If the school is doing so well, why do we need to change?

Kolars lecture responded to this question with the suggestion that conversations shift from romanticizing quantitative successes of the past and instead focus on creating a conscious student that can be an agent of change.

The first reflex to What should we be teaching? is Well, whats on the test? What does the board say? And this is not necessarily a well-reasoned position in terms of whats foundational and what we should be working on, Kolars said.

He added that an emphasis on test scores and placement rates may blind educators to the evolution of other relevant topics that should be woven into Medical School curriculum. Kolars said the impetus to create a well-rounded curriculum stems from broader societal changes.

Society is asking for a different kind of health system, he said. The public wants more quality and value for their dollar, they want a system that is easier to work with, where theres more access and one they can understand better when it comes down to making choices. This shouldnt just be based on advertisements on TV or hype; we should be able to help address that.

He added that the school must address the importance of diversity with conversations rather than numbers or quotas.

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Town hall series explores Medical School regimen

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