Catch indie kids Little Comets at Cambridge Junction

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Monday 10 Feb 2014 2:52 PM


Little Comets can be counted on to ply you with dance floor indie stuff you can stretch out your skinny jeans to while chatting with bright eyed boys over Jaeger bombs. You know? Theyre that kind of band: fun, jaunty and singing right at you if youre an all over the place twenty-something.

Hence why Zane Lowe and Huw Stevens both like them.

The angular Tyne and Wear lads are frontman and guitarist Robert Coles, whos joined by brother Michael on lead guitar, Matt Hall on bass and touring drummer David Green.

Their debut album, In Search of Elusive Little Comets, prompted music website Drowned In Sound to say: You could listen to the track like a normal human being, listen to that wonky, stop-start guitar line, do a little wobbly-kneed pogo dance and wonder why Maximo Park stopped writing pop songs as enjoyable as this.

Basically, they dont do the cynical, woe-is us, struggling artists thing. Instead, theyre all about the joy of it. Life Is Elsewhere, their 2012 offering follows suit with charmingly jangly, catchy indie-pop; live they cant be anything less than giddy bundles of energy.

Theyll be supported by Catfish and The Bottlemen at the Cambridge Junction gig go have a listen, and a dance, of course.

:: Little Comets, Cambridge Junction, Saturday, February 15 at 7pm. Tickets 11 from (01223) 511511 /

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Catch indie kids Little Comets at Cambridge Junction

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