9 Vegan Podcasts You Need to Subscribe to – VegNews

Social distancing can be tough, especially if you live alone. If youre craving some screen-free content to keep your mind occupied, a solid vegan podcast can turn into your new best friend (at least until its safe to reunite with our old ones, that is). From light-hearted roving conversations about plant-based food and pop culture to deep discussions on ethics and health, these nine vegan podcasts will keep you company and keep you connected to the outside world.

1. The Chickpeeps PodcastFans of vegan actress Evanna Lynch will love binge-listening to the last two seasons of this Brit-based podcast. Lynch is joined by her friends Momo, Robbie, and Tylor throughout the show as they discuss vegan philosophy, contrasting opinions, and challenges theyve faced in the vegan space. Episodes often feature a guest interview with a vegan activist, entrepreneur, or changemaker such as the duo behind the popular BOSH! food blog and cookbook series, Dr. Melanie Joy, and Katie Tostevin-Hobbs of World Animal Protection. Listeners can sport their fandom by heading over to the podcast shop and purchasing a tee or hoodie emblazoned with Lynchs signature signoff, Stay spangly and take your B12!

2. The Rich Roll PodcastThe guest list sometimes strays from plant-based changemakers, but the host is as vegan as they come. Ultraman Rich Roll is a master interviewer and books the most awe-inspiring guests. Those accomplished enough to grace the microphone of the Rich Roll podcast will enrapture you for the two-hour-plus duration of the show. Past vegan guests include tough-as-nails Navy Seal David Goggins, ultrarunner Fiona Oakes, punk rocker John Joseph, Dr. Michael Greger, and more. Go for a long walk or run and settle in for some major plant-based motivation.

3. Our Hen House Go deep into the ethical issues surrounding the vegan and animal rights movements with co-hosts Jasmin Singer (VegNews Senior Online Features Editor) and animal law professor Mariann Sullivan. The powerhouse activist duo touch on the latest news, issues, and triumphs of the vegan world, always complemented with a guest interview. Youll hear from the vegan greats such as Dr. Neal Barnard and Tofurky founder Seth Tibbot, but youll also discover advocates who typically fly under the radar such as Kelly Holt and Dan McKernan of Animal Planets Saved by the Barn. Finally, this podcast is immaculately consistent. No seasonal breaks or oops, we missed an episode, heres a flashback. Singer and Sullivan ensure their audience receives new content every single week. Pro-tip: Our Hen House also produces the monthly Animal Law Podcast, passionately hosted by Sullivan.

4. No Meat Athlete PodcastWhat began as a running podcast in 2014 has dipped into a number of topics throughout the yearsfrom vegan parenting to habit change. Co-hosts Matt Frasier and Doug Haywith occasional appearances by Olympian Julia Murray and No Meat Athlete team member Matt Tullmanoften fly solo on the show and attempt to offer tips on the topic at hand. Its a lighthearted, family-friendly conversation that youll soon feel a part of. Each week, look forward to updates on Matts 11-year-old soccer star, Dougs latest garden adventures and ultramarathon goals, helpful tips on running and whole food nutrition, and a few good tangents.

5. The Bearded VegansBefore you keep scrolling, know that this show is not about cruelty-free beard care. Co-hosts Andy Tabar and Paul Steller go beyond vegan 101 to explore topics that will make the most woke vegan put their thinking cap on. Conversations drag listeners down into that slightly squirmy ethical grey area and give your brain a workout. Past episodes mull over Should we celebrate Joaquin Phoenixs Oscar Speech? Why misanthropy is bad for veganism, Is it time to retire Meat is Murder? and other opinions you felt so sure about until you were presented with all the arguments. The guys throw in some film and restaurant reviews for short breaks in these intellectually stimulating ethical conversations. You may find that you dont always agree with them, but their personalities will make you want to press play every single week.

6. The Switch4Good PodcastElucidate yourself with this groundbreaking variety show on everything from health to ethical fashion. Co-hosts Olympian Dotsie Bausch and actress/activist Alexandra Paul hold meaningful conversations with everyone from plant-based doctors to professional athletes, celebrities to chefs. Recent guests include Brooklyn Burroughs President Eric Adams, Adrian Velarde of Desserto (the vegan cactus leather brand), and Ironman Brendan Brazier. The hour-long show is part self-help, part entertainment, and one hundred percent engaging.

7. Vegan AbbatoireCelebrity father/daughter duo Kevin and Harley Quinn Smith are quarantining together, and this new vegan podcast is the result of all that creative energy simmering under one roof. The episodes are laidback and tangential as the Smiths fill the first part of the show with mild banter between father and daughter, then the pair shifts to focus on the guest interview. The show has only been rolling for a little over a month, but the variety of guests spans from Farm Sanctuary founder Gene Bower to Ultraman Rich Roll to our very own Senior News Editor Anna Starostinetskaya. In typical Smith fashion, its quirky, but sometimes the right sense of quirk makes the biggest fans.

8. Vegan Business TalkLooking to launch your own vegan business, or curious about how its done? Journalist, public relations specialist, and business coach Katrina Fox has created a weekly podcast to show you how. Each episode pursues the start-to-finish journeys of successful plant-based entrepreneurs and offers insights on specific tactics one can utilize to create a better business. Recent guests include Loui Blake, serial entrepreneur and award-winning vegan marketer; Grace Regan of UK-based curry house SpiceBox; and San Dennigan, founder of the Strong Roots vegan frozen food brand.

9. Veggie Doctor RadioDr. Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, DO, MPH (aka Dr. Yami) is the vegan pediatrician we wish we had growing up. While geared towards parents, we can all learn more about health, nutrition, habit change, and psychology from this affable doc. Some episodes feature guests while others she flys solo, but the content is always engaging, educational, and entertaining. Recent favorites include episode 107/107b How to Eat More Plants Without Hating Your Life with Talia Pollock/How to Make 5 Familiar American and Kid-Friendly Dinner Plant-Based, episode 106 Gut Motility and Your Health with Dr. Supriya Rao, and episode 102 How Understanding Generations Can Add More Value to Your Life. Get the whole family involved and learn together every Sunday!

Tanya Flink is a Digital Editor at VegNews as well as a writer and runner living in Orange County, CA.

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9 Vegan Podcasts You Need to Subscribe to - VegNews

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