Top 10 Countries Where Veganism Is Most Popular Revealed By New Research – Plant Based News

Switzerland was number 8 on the list (Photo: Adobe. Do not use without permission)

The top 10 countries where veganism is most popular have been revealed in a new list.

Chef's Pencil compiled the list by analyzing Google Trends data, which it describes as a 'reliable source of big data', to search interest level for veganism across the world.

It found that searches in the veganism category (including vegan-related searches made in any language) were at an all-time high in 2020.

In a statement sent to Plant Based News, Chef's Pencil revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped the rise of veganism but has 'added fuel to its popularity'.

The organization added that searches for vegan recipes have skyrocketed, and continue to go strong - even though lockdown has come to an end in most parts of the world and many restaurants have re-opened.

Search data showed that countries whose cuisine traditionally is greatly meat- and dairy-based are seeing a big rise in veganism, said Chef's Pencil, which it concluded means that 'veganism is stronger than ever'.

1. United Kingdom (Popularity Score: 100)

2. Australia (Popularity Score: 87)

3. Israel (Popularity Score: 84)

4. Austria (Popularity Score: 82)

5. New Zealand (Popularity Score: 81)

6. Germany (Popularity Score: 77)

7. Sweden (Popularity Score: 68)

8. Switzerland (Popularity Score: 65)

9. Canada (Popularity Score: 64)

10. Ireland (Popularity Score: 63)

See the rest here:
Top 10 Countries Where Veganism Is Most Popular Revealed By New Research - Plant Based News

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