This Company Will Pay You $2,500 to Go Vegan for 30 Days – The Beet

Remember when Justin Beiber shared rapper Riff Raff's tweet that said vegans should be given $100,000 year? Thisturned into a viral meme and people were commenting that they are willing to give up meat and dairy for the rest of their lives to cash that check. Even though none of it turned out to be true, one California-based company is offering to pay people $2,500 to go vegan for one month. Here's how you can enter.

Vegan Liftz, a community supported website that educatesanyone about the benefits of a plant-based diet, says they're paying people $2,500 to go vegan for just 30 days.

The goal is to help people who live in states that have the highest rate of meat-eaters switch over to eat plant-based for their health.VeganLiftzconducted a survey of 5,350 Americans to determine which stateshavethe most carnivores."To get maximum results, we think its important to hire people who have previously eaten a meat-heavy diet," says VeganLiftz.

If your state made the list, keep reading. Otherwise send this to a friend from one of those states, so they can do it and you guys can split the proceeds.

"We will use the three candidates' experiences to create onsite case studies, demonstrating how switching to a vegan diet can impact health and fitness, including any drawbacks.

Its important to us that these case studies are honest and relatable, so our readers can make an informed decision on whether veganism is right for them, as well as how best to implement it."

"Applicants must be aged 18 to 60 years old, have no underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, or hyperthyroidism, and are required to have eaten a meat-heavy diet consistently for at least a year prior."

"We will be selecting the three successful candidates at the end of August, with hopes of starting the study mid-September."

"If you are a self-professed meat-lover, who resides in any of the top five states, interested in applying for the role, please fill out the form below."

Excited to get going on this challenge?Sign Up Here

See the article here:
This Company Will Pay You $2,500 to Go Vegan for 30 Days - The Beet

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