Vegan, 48, says people think she’s in her 20s ‘all thanks to plant-based diet’ – Mirror Online

A woman who is nearly 50 claims people often think she's in her 20s - it's all because of her vegan diet.

Without a wrinkle in sight, Victoria Featherstone Pearce, 48, is often thought to be at least 20 years younger by strangers.

The model and charity owner praises her plant-based diet, cruelty free beauty regime and teetotal lifestyle for keeping her young.

Victoria from Bow, East London, says she feels healthier and more confident than she ever did in her 20s thanks to turning to veganism 15 years ago.

She said: "I have been a vegetarian since I was six years old and became a vegan overnight when I learnt about the dark side of the dairy industry at 33.

"I believe this has helped my appearance as I feel healthier and better than I did in my 20's.

"I only use cruelty-free creams and beauty products and I have never had Botox.

"I am not ashamed to say I feel and look good - I want to continue rocking it and being sexy until I am 90.

"In the modelling industry, I have had experiences where we have spoke over the phone and I will be dismissed due to my age.

"People hear I am 48 and a distorted image appears in their mind - just because I am older it doesn't mean I look it.

"I believe mature models have a lot more to offer and I don't want to be just a number.

"Recently, I lied about my age for a German commercial casting - the age bracket cut off at 38 so I tried my luck and got the job.

"I told the truth when they employed me, and they couldn't believe I was a decade older.

"The industry needs to change as it's also contributes to women of all ages feeling bad about themselves when really modelling should give women confidence, not take it.

"When I was younger, I would wear a lot of more makeup and minuscule clothing which would get a lot of attention.

"I have had guys as young as 17 years-old chat me up but in a much more respectful manner - it is funny."

Victoria says she has appeared in TV adverts for Guinness, Birds Eye Peas, Sony TV and has recently taken part in a Models of Diversity campaign.

The 48-year-old proves she's still got it and flaunts her body for the calendar which showcases diverse models each month.

Victoria acts as an advocate for veganism and mental health as she has suffered with depression from 21-years-old.

She adds: "The calendar shoot was empowering, and I wanted to prove I am not just a number.

"I have been depressed for a long time due to finding out my dad wasn't my real dad at 21 years of age.

"Depression doesn't have a face; most people are shocked when they hear I am.

"My feelings on the inside don't match the outside but I have to battle daily to feel alive.

"There have been times where I have contemplated suicide, but I found my reason to live by helping dogs."

Read more here:

Vegan, 48, says people think she's in her 20s 'all thanks to plant-based diet' - Mirror Online

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