World Vegetarian Day 2020: History, significance and this years theme – Republic World – Republic World

Tomorrow, October 1, will be theWorld Vegetarian Day. This special day is dedicated to promoting a vegetarian diet, as many people find it to be healthier and more eco-friendly compared to a non-vegetarian diet. Moreover, this day is also important for animal right activists, who promote vegetarianism to try and save animal lives. The main mission oftheWorld Vegetarian Day is to "promote the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities ofvegetarianism".

Every year,World Vegetarian Day has a different theme to focus on. Here is a look atWorld Vegetarian Day 2020's main theme. Also, find out the brief history and significance ofWorld Vegetarian Day below.

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World Vegetarian Day was started all the way back in 1977 by theNorth American Vegetarian Society. Just a year later, this day became an international event after it was endorsed by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978. Moreover, this day also starts off the 'Month of Vegetarian Food', an event started by theInternational Vegetarian Union. According to the union, every October should be a month for vegetarian food to promote the health andhumanitarian benefits of eating only plant-based products.

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Since 1977, World Vegetarian Day has been the day that kickstarts the Vegetarian Awareness month. Many proponents of vegetarianism use this month to spread awareness about the benefits of plant-based food over meat-based products. Vegetarians consider their diet to be more friendly to the environment. Moreover, they also believe that vegetarian food is humanitarian as no animals are killed for human consumption.

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The Vegetarian awareness month ends in November, which is considered to be the Vegan awareness month. On World Vegetarian Day, many institutes and restaurants switch to a fully vegetarian menu. Moreover, several people across the globe promote vegetarianism via social media and public events.

Every year, theInternational Vegetarian Union creates new themes for World Vegetarian Day. Back in 2018, the theme was 'time to contemplate what we are eating', during which the Vegetarian Union discussed the different cons of non-vegetarian food. This year, the Union has not yet announced the theme for World Vegetarian Day 2020.

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World Vegetarian Day 2020: History, significance and this years theme - Republic World - Republic World

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