OPINION: Flexitarian choices give the best of both worlds – CollingwoodToday.ca

This week the authors of the 52 Weeks Climate Action Challenge are again encouraging you to think about what you're eating

This regular column on tips to live more sustainably comes from the52 Weeks Climate Action Challenge. The challenge was created by Laurel Hood and Sherri Jackson. Hood is a retired Collingwood Collegiate Institute teacher, and Jackson is a writer and speaker, and ran as the Green Partys candidate for the area in the last federal election. Both are climate activists.


I know you eagerly invested some time last week into researching vegetarian meals you might want to spring on your family. If you have picky or unadventurous eaters (or if its you), you may have to diplomatically broach this subject. The good news is, there are lots more options out there than simply veggie sticks and hummus. Not knocking hummus. But, you get what I mean.

You may recently have heard the term flexitarian.I personally like it, because it doesnt lump you into a category of any kind. You can eat whatever you want, but, you eat with a conscious understanding of what youre eating, where it came from, and its effect on the environment.

It encourages mostly plant-based proteins, but doesnt exclude animal products. Its more of a lifestyle than a diet, and here are the basics:

Flexitarian is basically what were suggesting, with sliding scales of animal products in your diet. If you are planning to go vegetarian/vegan or you already are, then youre already ahead of us!

Using the recipes and the groceries you bought last week, this week youre making a vegetarian mealthat you can share (or not) with your family.

As weve said before, if youve substituted meat for an all Doritos diet, vegetarianism isnt making you healthier. But, if youre eating balanced meals, and ensuring you're getting your daily intake of vitamins and nutrients, vegetarianism can provide many health benefits like improved heart health, reduced cancer risk, prevention of Type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure, decreased asthma symptoms, weight loss, slowing the aging process and improved bone health.

Often I hear from people that going vegetarian was their childs initiative, and they just followed along. Our kids are recognizing things that we havent that sometimes you have to change things up if you want anything to change!

If, on the other hand, your kids have built-in kale detectors, you can try some of these tips.

In your research last week, you will have more than likely discovered that vegetarian options can be easy, filling, and delicious. It doesnt have to be a hardship to choose a vegetarian/vegan option. It can be a highlight.

Eat vegan or vegetarian because you have discovered some great vegan or vegetarian meals, and youll get the added bonus of improved health, and saving the planet. Wow! All in one veggie chili. Imagine!


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OPINION: Flexitarian choices give the best of both worlds - CollingwoodToday.ca

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