Eat healthy, live healthy and ensure healthy lifestyle – Avenue Mail

Eat healthy, live healthy and ensure healthy lifestyle Columns, Opinion October 16, 2020 , by News Desk 14

By Muneer Shamee

After the COVID-19 spread and life threat over the world it has severely effected the socio-economic, travel, tourism, health and medical challenges. The UN Division of Sustainable Development States, End hunger, achieve food, security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. 193 countries around the world unanimously decided and committed in ending all forms of malnutrition by 2030 with the aim of amplifying awareness and action about the malnutrition and hunger as well as obesity to the larger extent around the world and ensure safe and nutritious food for all. We all know that poor and unhealthy diet causes higher deaths than Cancer, Tuberculosis, heart attack and higher blood pressure. Well balanced diet minimises physical ailments and decreases our ageing process. Our happiness is a reflection of good health- a divine wealth. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) observes World Food Day on 16 October to pay tribute to its inaugural day.

Despite the scientific progress and prosperity, we have failed miserably in the food production, proper food processing, equal food distribution and its procurement. Nearly 25% of worlds people struggle to procure the healthy and wealthy food items. Aftermaths of Globalization has resulted in the massive wastage of food items we are equally accountable for it. Frequent lockdowns and complete shutdowns have acutely affected in demand, supply, purchase and consumption of food items. Limited physical movement, social interactions, closing of hotels, restaurants have restricted and disrupted the food supply chains. People avoided and being afraid in purchasing food items with the possible threat of virus infection. With the outbreak of Corona virus, there is heartfelt effect in dietary patterns and shortage of food items. Farmers and field workers toil hard in food production and its availability to the common man.

On its 75th anniversary FAO promotes to help those who are worsley affected by hunger and malnutrition especially during COVID-19 pandemic that has accentuate the significance of food for healthy living and sustenance. Thanks to the farmers for their sincere endeavour, whole-hearted devotion and timely production and supplying fruits and vegetables everyday. These unsung corona warriors are laudable and real heroes of mankind. Due to unavailability and failure of transport services in India during pandemic many agricultural goods and raw materials are devastated. Plenty of foods available for human ingestion get wasted at several stages of food production, procurement and consumption stages. There is glaring demarcation of people suffering from obesity at one level and hunger at another level. Billions and billions of people have no access to internet which are helpful in alterations and intrusion of modern technology in agricultural sectors.

As our global population reaches to 10 billion by 2050, the UN has its commitment of providing secure, healthy and plentiful for nearly 2 billion people. Nearly 80% of chronic diseases are controllable by healthy nutrition, frolic activity. People who take care of their life enjoy happy and blessed life, lowering the risk of long-term disease or fatal injury. Good food helps in more sustainable and efficient recovery of vulnerable disease. What we sow today may reap tomorrow. By collective collaboration of individual and government we can improve our food system and remain healthy. Preserving food is vital response during Corona crisis. Government policies and programmes should be convenient for survival and ensuring decent incomes for small stakeholders, farmers and food chain workers.

On World Food Day every government, private, business, NGO play their role in promoting virtual activities, events. Online support in preserving food for future use, safe and proper nutritious food for one and all is the chief motto during COVID-19 pandemic. Our aim would be respecting food heroes, choose seasonal food, grow food at home, choose and buy locally grown food for strengthening the local businessman and boosting economy. We should choose healthy food which is essential for healthy growing of food crops which lessens the burden of agricultural production and maintaining biodiversity. Private firms, business organizations and multinational companies can help in improving economic and food systems by promoting food related business, exploring research resources, expertise in preserving climate change. On this auspicious day various cultural events, display, participation, celebration take place to commemorate healthy eating and buying habits on World Food Day through Social media platforms.

(Muneer Shamee can be reached at

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Eat healthy, live healthy and ensure healthy lifestyle - Avenue Mail

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