Science Might Have Identified the Optimal Human Diet | by …

Americans are notoriously unhealthy eaters. The so-called Western diet one that adores meat, abhors fat, and cant get enough of processed food has dominated menus and mealtimes for nearly half a century and has become synonymous with obesity and metabolic dysfunction. Short of swallowing actual poison, its hard to imagine a more ruinous approach to eating than the one practiced by many U.S. adults.

If this story has a silver lining, its that the dreadful state of the average Americans diet has helped clarify the central role of nutrition in human health. A poor diet like the one popular in the West is strongly associated with an elevated risk for conditions of the gut, organs, joints, brain, and mind everything from Type 2 diabetes and cancer to rheumatoid arthritis and depression.

If eating the wrong way can contribute to such a diverse range of illnesses, it stands to reason that eating the right way could offer people a measure of protection from most ailments. But whats the right way? That question lies at the heart of countless studies stretching back several decades. By panning the newest and best of those studies for gold, some experts say we may be closing in on the optimal approach to eating.

Highly restrictive diets are usually not advised unless there is an underlying medical condition that warrants it.

In September, OKeefe and colleagues published a paper in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology that sought to identify the ideal diet for human cardiovascular health. Based on the most comprehensive research to date, his paper makes the case that a pesco-Mediterranean approach paired with elements of intermittent fasting is a strong contender for the healthiest diet science has yet identified.

The diet is essentially a modified Mediterranean plan, which makes sense; OKeefe and his co-authors highlight research that has found consistent associations between a Mediterranean diet and lower risk for death, coronary heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cognitive decline, depression, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimers disease.

Plant-based foods vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains form the foundation of the diet. Fatty fish and other types of seafood, along with unrestricted helpings of extra-virgin olive oil, round out the plans major components. Modest helpings of dairy products, poultry, and eggs are allowed, while red meat should be eaten sparingly or avoided. Low or moderate amounts of alcohol preferably red wine are acceptable, but water, coffee, and tea are preferred.

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Science Might Have Identified the Optimal Human Diet | by ...

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