Transhumanism and AI – Energetic Synthesis

August 2015


Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

We are standing at the precipice of a massive evolutionary transformation that impacts the future development of the human race on this planet. Will we evolve as organic living consciousness or potentially, be infected and hijacked by artificial dead intelligences? Many of us can sense the red carpets of AI, being rolled toward humanity from multiple angles now.

As you consider the challenging information contained in this newsletter, I want to remind you that nothing is more powerful than your eternal God spirit connection, and the strong committed relationship to develop and expand personal consciousness through the virtues of Loving Kindness, Compassion and Empathy. These are the higher heart based qualities that make a human a true human being. No person or thing can take your divinity or humanity away from you when you absolutely refuse to give it up.

This timeline is similar to the events that changed the course of history and radically digressed humanities consciousness evolution after World War II. Previous to and throughout World War II, advanced alien technologies were exchanged with high-ranking earth officials, which introduced these weapons to earth. Pacts were made for continued military exploitation and experimentation, aimed at controlling the public. This timeline trigger event marks when off planet aliens introduced advanced military-grade EMF weaponry to the main governmental powers on the earth, further manifesting into cooperative agreements with the military industrial complex, MILAB and Secret Space Programs.

Scientific research and development of nuclear weapons programs, such as the Manhattan Project, were the beginning stages of creating more black military operations, which became offshoots from the principle laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The war began the race for nuclear arms and the development of newly introduced alien advanced technologies. The competition for world domination and military supremacy eventually extended to off planet social experiments and expanded the diversity of exopolitic agendas. Additionally, the development of hidden militarized electromagnetic, radio waves (ELF), and microwave weaponry, commonly applied on the planet today in psychotronic warfare, began in earnest.

The first nuclear weapons were created by the United States during the time that technology trade agreements were being made with off planet civilizations. These trade agreements were hidden behind multinational corporations and government agencies that would be gradually assimilated into one global conglomerate of control, that extended to off planet activities, to enforce the veil of secrecy. Seventy years ago this month, the U.S. dropped the first atomic bombs on the two Japanese cities during the final stage of the Second World War. The planet has never been the same since, as these destructive events created grave consequences for the future timeline of the human race, as a result of these anti-human and barbaric actions. The planets protective magnetic force field and atmospheric functions for radiation balancing and its energy transfer processes were damaged. This further resulted in the creation of inorganic black holes and artificial wormholes that are littered throughout the planetary atmosphere.

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Currently on the earth, without common knowledge of theNAAagenda that uses many forms ofArtificial intelligence(AI) toMind Controlandimplant the public, there is much controversy when discussing the positive and negative results of AI. Artificial intelligence technology abuse is a growing threat to the planet, as well as a threat to human freedom and sovereignty. By running anAI Signalmimickingextremely low frequencies, artificial intelligenceparasitescan invade the central nervous system, to monitor a persons thought patterns so that they can mimic them. They monitor thought patterns and emotional behaviors and search for weaknesses within the human host's body, so they can aggressively use that weakness against the person to plummet them into very low frequency thoughts of thePredator Mind. When a person has weak spiritual-energetic development, weak moral character, along with a weak mind, this makes it much easier for the person to be vulnerable to the AI signal. TheAI Signalprepares the body to hostMetatronic Reversalsand the AI parasite technology, which is to control the human being and prepare the body for dark force control orImposter Spiritpossession. The AI parasite is also referred to as a Suppressor Parasite Entity (SPE). The AI signal is now beginning to be continually run in allController Pillars of Society, so a person who works in or has a profession in huge corporate, academic, medical, or government conglomerates, will be excessively exposed to AI signal transmission. Effectively, this is integrating AI technology and bioengineering to damage human DNA signals, as preparation for complete mind control and body snatching. The fundamental basis of theTranshumanismagenda is to take possession, by downloading AI into the human brain and neurology. TheNegative AliensandSatanicForces, in their quest to survive and achieve immortality, are attempting to hijack human consciousness and ultimately take possession of the human host's body.

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Reversal Networksare collecting life force from the collective fields of all earth inhabitants, and creating more black force andmiasmin the planet by sending energetic currents into reversal patterns and synthesizing them intoAImachinery on the planetary grid network. We can refer to that reversal pattern as an anti-life pattern, which also means the anti-Christ pattern. When collective life force is moving in the reversal patterns, it creates blockages that disconnect that person from the organic supply of eternal energy that is accessed within their own spiritual body. Instead, that life force energy is being collected and harvested for certain preferred groups on the earth, generally for those who keep the reversal networks running for theNAA. As an example, theNRGgrid is a harvesting station of global life force that exists in the center of the United Kingdom. As theAlbionbody awakens, it starts to disrupt the function of this specific reversal network and it gradually collapses sections of its operational structure. Additionally, there are many Black Heart Reversal Networks scattered in the main cities, generally the bigger cities on the planet throughout the earth. Black Heart Reversal Networks feed into other types ofalien architecturedesigned to oppress the collective consciousness, such as holding planetary crucifixion implants in a geometry pattern called the Rosy Cross.Reversal Networksare held on theplanetary gridbybi-wave geometry systems, that run on the low frequency energies that are generated in the masses.

In our planet today, we have levels of geometric architecture that are based onbi-wave geometry, that have been installed in theplanetary brainto create staticNETsand reversal fields. TheArtificial intelligencearchitecture is synthesized into the planetary field in order to collect energy, harvest it, and sends it to off-planet sources, or to their preferred people here on planet Earth that are carrying out their control agenda. So those energies are collected and basically given, with preference, to humans or nonhumans that serve the control and enslavement agenda. As Reversal Networks are gradually taken offline, the feedline of the parasitized energy throughout the food chain stops, essentially starving them by denying them access to the collective human power source. Although this is very positive for the planet and the collective human consciousness, it escalates the forces of chaos in the field from desperate entities.[1]

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Splitter Techis a type ofAIencoding that run as aMind Controlscript that is embedded into a variety of types of media, such as written words, spoken words of an infected individual, video or audio recordings, that can pass on that same scripted code to another person that resonates with that same frequency or information. It reveals a profile that is commonly observed in very academic or intellectually developed people, and tends to be attached to highly mentalized persons with dominatingNegative Egos, judgmental perceptions and little to no heart opening. When a person is aware of theNAAand is also aware of the fact thatControllerforces have aPsychopathicpersonality, this means they haveLack of Empathy, and no true developedCompassionfor others, as they do not have aSoul, and thus cannot experience any higher emotional spectrum. They are indeed, heart-less, and unable to feel emotions and ruled by instinctual forces.

To a coherent, clear and energetically balanced person, when reading words or being exposed toSplitter Techscript, it feels like your brain is getting scrambled and thoughts are scattering, and maintaining clear focus is nearly impossible. It also is sprayed as implants to divert attention and focus within a group environment, as one person may be a booby trap withSplitter Techthat is used to disrupt or divide and conquer the entire group objectives. Patterns include runningAIinduced embedded code through a "signal" that may influence a splitting effect, also known as 'bi-polar' orBi-Wave Influencesto align the target or subject toMetatronic Reversal,Metatronic SpiralorEntropicSystems of energy.

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It is a mind slide program where human beings completely ignore unapproved words, terms or issues that involve their enslavement or torture, even if they come face to face with it.Mind Slidesare a form ofMind Controlthat can be implemented throughRadio Wavesthat form frequencies that transmit into the personsUnconscious Mindin their bio-energetic field.

A mind slide is aHolographic Insertplaced in thePlanetary Logosthat erases or changes the meaning of a "unapproved word", "unapproved phrase" when it is exposed to a person that has been implanted byNAAArtificial Machinery.

An example is when people talk about "Aliens" "abduction" orSRAor other methods ofDark Force Manipulation Methods, they are ridiculed, persecuted, defamed, shamed and promoted as lunatics to other human beings that have been ' mind slided".

This is how theVictim-Victimizersoftware of theNAAprogram works.

It is virally loaded into our mental bodies so that we enforce this insanity and its delusion upon our own race. It is a type of denial mind slide and corruption so that we will not look at or explore topics we find hard to cope with, explain, deal with or change. As a consequence of this complacency, we essentially do nothing while we watch people of our own race be ridiculed for bringing truth, tortured, starved, killed or mutilated for no reason.[1]

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Transhumanism and AI - Energetic Synthesis

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