Nanomedicine, Volume 1: Basic Capabilities

Nanomedicine Book Site

1996-2013 Robert A. Freitas Jr. All Rights Reserved

Nanomedicine, Volume IIA: Biocompatibility by Robert A. Freitas Jr. is now available in hardcover for $99 + shipping. Click here to purchase the book at or click here for information or to purchase the book directly from Landes Bioscience.

Nanomedicine, Volume I: Basic Capabilities by Robert A. Freitas Jr. is now available in softcover for $89 + shipping. Click here for information or to purchase the book directly from Landes Bioscience.

About Nanomedicine (the field)

Molecular nanotechnology has been defined as the three-dimensional positional control of molecular structure to create materials and devices to molecular precision. The human body is comprised of molecules, hence the availability of molecular nanotechnology will permit dramatic progress in human medical services. More than just an extension of "molecular medicine," nanomedicine will employ molecular machine systems to address medical problems, and will use molecular knowledge to maintain and improve human health at the molecular scale. Nanomedicine will have extraordinary and far-reaching implications for the medical profession, for the definition of disease, for the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions including aging, and ultimately for the improvement and extension of natural human biological structure and function.

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Nanomedicine, Volume 1: Basic Capabilities

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