The Devastating Effects of Hormone Imbalance | Peachtree …

Hormone imbalance is a true epidemic in our country. The average American female and male over 35 years of age suffers from some form of hormonal imbalance. With the poor diet, stressful lifestyles and declining popularity of physical exercise, more and more younger men and women are developing hormonal imbalances. The effects of such imbalances increases as we age and become more devastating and harder to treat the longer they go on and the worse they become. Because most of the symptoms come on gradually, it is difficult to figure out initially, until the problems become more pronounced and the hormones become even more imbalanced.

It becomes a vicious cycle that slowly robs you of your energy, your vitality and your life and lifestyle. It also robs your loved ones of their lifestyle. Unless properly diagnosed and evaluated, proper recovery is very difficult to achieve. This is where a properly trained healthcare professional is so important. You will require a doctor who is up to date on hormonal function and can discover subclinical hormone imbalances, not just diseased glands or organs.

Often times it is the simplest of signs that indicate hormone imbalance, but these signs are blamed on other factors. Some of the initial symptoms include:

Various clinical conditions are the direct result of hormone imbalance that, in most cases, can be completely preventable. Such conditions include:

Quite simply, hormones affect all bodily function. Hormone imbalances affect body functions in a detrimental way. The more hormones and systems involved and the longer the time that the imbalances have been present, the more symptoms will devastate your life.

Traditional Medicine currently offers hormone replacement therapy as the preferred method of treatment that comes with great concern. Studies show that hormone users had a higher risk of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, and blood clots which led to more and more people seeking out bio identical hormone replacement therapy. The challenge in this approach to care is that hormone levels are evaluated and a prescribed dose of the depleted hormone is given. This assumes the problem is the body is not making enough of the hormone and needs supplemented. Too often the full pathway is not assessed. The question WHY are the hormone levels low is seldom asked.

In our office we take a comprehensive approach to your case and prescribing the appropriate corrective care. We are Functional Medicine Doctors that assess your entire body and all of its systems. When it comes to hormone imbalance we first ask and test to understand why your hormone levels are low. There are many precursors that will go off line prior to your body not being able to produce appropriate amounts of hormones. If we give your body the tools it needs, it can produce appropriate amounts of hormones.

Your body operates as a dynamic functional unit, ever organ, gland, system and cell impact the results of the whole. The closer your body is to balance called Homeostatis, the healthier you are. When your body and the systems and functions within it are out of balance, dis-ease begins. Depending on how out of balance you are will impact the rate and degree to which dis-ease fully progresses into disease. Our care plan, will restore and optimize the balance and health of your hormones and your body.



I: Adrenal Stress Index (ASI) : You can test the adrenal glands with a test called an Adrenal Stress Index. This is a salivary test much like DNA testing. The adrenal glands sit right above the kidneys andthey are your stress organs meaning that they react to stress and are directly responsible for hormone production.

II. HORMONE PANELS: We run an expanded hormone panel to determine what hormones are being impacted and to what extent. We see where your body is off line to help bring it back on through full health optimization. Symptoms related to decreased hormonelevels may include depression, fatigue mental fogginess, mood swings, hot flashes, sweating attacks, weight gain, and decreased physical stamina.

III: Sensitivity Testing To determine if you have a sensitivity to gluten (wheat, rye, oats, and barley), milk, eggs, yeast, and soy. If you are sensitive to ANY of these food groups, it can be causing stress and inflammation within your body, impacting proper hormone production.

IIII. Complete Blood Panels By using specific blood tests such as:

#1: A complete metabolic panel (CMP)

#2: A lipid panel

#3: A CBC (complete blood chemistry with auto differential)

#4: Full Thyroid Hormone Panel ( TSH, FT-3, FT-4, T3 Uptake, TPO,TGB) : A full thyroid panel is done as well. Every cell in your body has receptors for thyroidhormone, thyroid hormones act as the gas pedal for our body. Any breakdown inthyroid function can be trigging a breakdown in your body causing your symptoms

We can assess your adrenal glands, liver, kidneys, red/white blood cells and gut function with the above lab tests. All can be affected with chronic health conditions. By addressing any problems with your adrenal glands, blood chemistry, or gut function, we can help you to heal faster and your hormone function to optimize.. The Results Are In, Now WHAT?

We build a clinically effective health and hormone optimization program based off of your results and your bodies specific needs. You are not given a cookie cutter approach to your health care. We understand that you ARE a unique individual with individualized needs. When you enter into a Peachtree Health program, we become your partners and mentors in health so that you can experience your best life.

As you ARE ready to get to the root cause of your fatigue, your weight gain, your brain fog, your inexplicable food cravingscall us or fill in the form on this page to request your appointment. We are here to help YOU! Results start when you do, so contact us today for your appointment that will help you fully RECLAIM and REVOLUTIONIZE your body, your health and your life!

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The Devastating Effects of Hormone Imbalance | Peachtree ...

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