Balance Female Hormones | Balancing Hormones in Women

Balance Female Hormones | Balancing Hormones in Women

What Is the Goal of Hormone Optimization Therapy in Women?

When female hormone levels are balanced, an individual may experience a greatly improved quality of life. In addition to feeling great, studies have shown that balancing hormones in women may be able to help relieve uncomfortable conditions and symptoms associated with hormone imbalance.

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

The BioTE method of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for women may begin to balance the female hormones of a patient in as few as two to four weeks. BioTE providers tailor each patients dosing to their unique needs and hormone levels. Furthermore, BHRT uses bioidentical hormones which closely mimic the hormones normally present within the body. BHRT is designed to be biologically identical to our bodys hormones.

What Can a Patient Expect From BHRT?

While results may differ, the process for considering, obtaining, monitoring, and continuing BHRT is typically the same for all patients. A new patient will normally schedule a consultation with a local certified BioTE provider. To consider the patients candidacy, the provider will request comprehensive hormone testing and lab work. The next appointment will be to review the test results and determine if the patient will benefit from the treatment, if so, they can get a BHRT pellet inserted the same day or on their next visit.

How Can a Patient Get Started With Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Start by finding and contacting a local certified BioTE provider today. We have thousands of providers in our nationwide network.

BioTE Medical provides training on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in the form of subcutaneous pellets, and with over 1.7 million insertions performed in the companys history, we have seen many lives changed by balancing hormones in women. If any of the hormone imbalance symptoms mentioned above sound familiar, click the Find a Provider tool or our Nominate a Provider tool to learn more.

BioTE Medical provides bioidentical hormone pellet therapy to help balance hormonesin bothwomen andmen.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Balance Female Hormones | Balancing Hormones in Women

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