Hormone Optimization Thearpy – Kingwood, TX – Hormone …

The word hormone comes from the Greek word Hormaein - meaning to excite. Hormones are potent chemicals produced from endocrine glands which secrete the hormones into your bloodstream. The hormones serve as messengers from your brain, telling your interal organs how to function.

Sex hormone imbalances can occur at puberty, after childbirth, in midlife, after tubal ligation or hysterectomy, while taking birth control pills or counterfeit female hormones, such as Premarin and Provera.

Female hormonal balance between the estrogen hormones and progesterone is essential in order for women to obtain and maintain health and wellness. The three human estrogen's require the balance of progesterone to prevent the hyper effects of estrogen which can lead to a host of health problems. Good health occurs when the hormones in the body are produced in adequate amounts and are in proper balance. Think of this as hormonal harmony.

The estrogen hormones and progesterone decline as a woman ages to around 35. But progesterone declines much more rapidly than do the estrogen hormones.

We listen to your unique description of symptoms and then prescribe the appropriate natural hormones to achieve hormonal balance in order to resolve your symptoms. Natural hormones are derived from plants and then molecularly changed to be authentic, biologically identical hormone molecule which your body used to produce prior to menopause, or which is currently producing but in less than adequate amounts to provide hormonal balance.

Depending on the degree of the progesterone deficiency, estrogen dominance may manifest itself with one, some or all of the following hyper effects:

Although progesterone and estrogen are the two dominant hormones that women produce, it is important to remember that women also produce small doses of testosterone. For women, the production of testosterone peaks at ovulation in order to stimulate a woman's desire for sexual relations.

Testosterone has the following effects on the body:

Men's testicles produce both sperm and testosterone, the male hormone. The presence of this hormone creates the physical, emotion and male mindset that dramatically differentiates men from women. Review the following list of effects that the hormone testosterone has in men.

By the time a man is 40 years old, his testosterone level will be approximately what it was when it peaked in his twenties. By the times a man is 50 years old, it will be 1/3 of its peak; at 60 it will or less of its peak level.

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Hormone Optimization Thearpy - Kingwood, TX - Hormone ...

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