Guide to Effective Testosterone Replacement Therapy Low T …

Testosterone replacement therapy has gained greater interest as a legitimate medical procedure as of late, due to it's newly discovered benefits, both on physical health and increased quality of life.

The effects of testosterone can vary greatly; from increased energy and well-being, to greater muscle mass and sex drive, even improved cholesterol and cardiovascular profiles.

The administration of testosterone treatment is not as straight forward as many have been lead to believe. The male endocrine system requires a delicate balance to effectively manage side effects.

One needs to be aware, not only of testosterone but it's interaction with estrogen and LH (luteinizing hormone) as well, to operate at peak performance.

Following the above best practices will help accentuate the positives of treatment while minimizing testosterone's side effects.

Unfortunately most of the hormone's demonization has been spurred on by ignorance and false claims from not so well meaning political groups and associated sports governing bodies.

However, the side effects of testosterone many men experience, generally comes from the mismanagement of it's main metabolites; namely estradiol and DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

Androgel, Testim, and their associated compounded testosterone gels and creams have lately become an increasingly popular method to treat andropause.

However they come with both their supporters and detractors. Some championing their positives; ease of use (a doctor isn't needed for administration), and short half-life which more closely mimics the body's natural production.

Others harp on their unreliable results (absorbtion problems in some), patient compliance (may be sticky, stinky, with a worry of transferance to women and children), and expense (may be up to 4 to 5 times higher than other preparations).

Testosterone injections are currently the most reliable, efficient, and inexpensive method to administer replacement therapy.

Although as you can imagine, poking yourself with a needle isn't exactly a positive selling point when trying to market to a large audience.

HCG injections are a common adjunct to testosterone replacement therapy among males. When combined with testosterone and estrogen control (aromatase inhibitor) as described in the testosterone trifecta plan, it can help maintain long term fertility and hormonal balance.

Testosterone pellets are marketed mainly under the brand name Testopel. I'm not much of a fan, as they've basically become a dated and inefficient means to increase testosterone levels.

However they have their fair share of supporters due to their infrequenct administration periods (up to 6 months) and may be inserted as a quick procedure by your physician.

Many men aren't aware of a little known side effect, occuring in a small minority of men, after completing a vasectomy. The problem is that some men may experience an odd autoimmune side effect, which often can result in hypogonadism.

Your body's immune system literally mistakes your gonads/testicles as foreign material and sets off to destroy the "offending" tissue.

If you've had the procedure and wondering why you've been feeling off or are considering a vasectomy in the future, it's best you be aware of all the pros and cons before deciding on future treatment.

A place to ask questions on the finer points of testosterone replacement therapy.

From what kind of needle to use, whether to cycle your doses, to new and exciting developments in andropause research.

Excerpt from:
Guide to Effective Testosterone Replacement Therapy Low T ...

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