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Cindi Pearce

Cindi Pearce is a graduate of Ohio University, where she received her bachelors degree in journalism. She completed both the undergraduate and graduate courses offered by the Institute of Childrens Literature. Pearce has been writing professionally for over 30 years.

Low testosterone levels affect women as well as men. Women may experience loss of sex drive, weaker orgasms, lethargy, loss of energy and endurance, and brittle bones. Men may suffer from infertility, diminished libido, erectile dysfunction, changes in body composition, reduction in facial and body hair, osteoporosis, impaired masculization, fatigue, depression, anger and confusion. While pharmaceuticals are often used to combat low levels of testosterone, many people prefer to use the natural approaches that are also available to increase their testosterone levels.

To replace testosterone naturally, consider one of two kinds of herbal supplements: non-estrogenic herbs and phytoestrogenic herbs. According to, non-estrogenic herbs work best to restore your hormone balance. According to, non-estrogenic herbs do not contain any chemical structures similar to estrogen, but nevertheless they feed the endocrine system and balance hormones as a result. The non-estrogenic herb Macafem does a good job of maintaining hormonal balance. Macafem is grown in Peru and is a hardy perennial. This herb has an effect on the pituitary and endocrine glands, stimulating hormone production and helping you make your own natural hormones.

Foods that will naturally introduce testosterone into your system include radishes, cabbage, turnips, beef, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, garlic, oysters, eggs and cauliflower. Try to eat some or all of these items on a regular basis to increase your testosterone level.

Another approach to naturally increasing testosterone is to take an herbal supplement called tribulus terrestris. According to, tribulus terrestris increases testosterone by increasing the levels of luteinizing hormones in men and women. After the luteinizing hormones are increased, the secretion of sex steroids in males and females is stimulated. The luteinizing hormones bind to the receptors, stimulating synthesis and secretion of testosterone. In women, the cells of the ovary are stimulated.

Essential fatty acids will improve your testosterone levels, so make sure to eat peanuts, avocados, canola oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil and fish. If you are deficient in essential fats, your body can't produce the needed amount of testosterone. Testosterone is made from cholesterol, according to The best diet for increasing testosterone is made up of high protein, moderate fat and low carbohydrates.

The primary function of phytoestrogenic herbs is to relieve symptoms of menopause, according to Many of these symptoms are caused by low levels of estrogen, the female hormone. The best phytoestrogenic herbs include black cohosh, gingko biloba, dong quai and red clover. There are, however, some medical concerns about phytoestrogenic herbs because they add hormones to the body, which could conceivably produce bad results, including breast cancer.

As men grow older, their bodies begin to manufacture less of the hormone testosterone. When testosterone levels drop, less sperm is produced...

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Natural Testosterone Replacement | eHow - eHow | How to ...

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