Doctors Say Doing This Simple Activity Every Day Improves Your Mental Health Over 50 – SheFinds

Learning how to find balance in your life, and prioritize mental health, is a never ending battle. Whether you struggle with making boundaries at work or maintaining personal relationships, we can all afford to find more healthy ways to cope. It can be difficult to make time for ourselves, especially because we live in a society that celebrates productivity and hard work and shames making time for rest and self care. Regardless, finding time to recharge is key for feeling and being your best. Making it a habit each day to take a little time for yourself will go a long way. We asked psychotherapist Dr. Kathryn Smerling what one activity is that you can do everyday to take care of your mental health, especially as you age.

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As you get older, it becomes easier to get set in your ways, but settling into unhealthy routines is one of the worst things you can do for your long term wellbeing, according to Dr. Smerling. Not examining what your habits are is a dangerous pattern one can get into as they age. You want to look at yourself and consider "Am I eating right?", "Am I exercising?", "Am I socializing enough?. Something to keep in mind is, as you get older, the need to connect on a deeper level gets more profound. Making sure youre checking in with yourself and seeing whats working for you and what isnt is key.

With that being said, you dont have to drop major cash on diets or devote hours to time consuming workouts to lead a healthy lifestyle. As a matter of fact, a healthy lifestyle looks different to everyone, and comes down to what both makes you feel good and is maintainable. When it comes to what activity you can do everyday for better mental health, Dr. Smerlings recommendation is easy, doesnt require a lot of energy, and is even free.


Taking a walk in nature [is one activity you can do everyday]. It's a wonderful opportunity to move, clear your head, or even listen to a podcast. It's meditative, and its something you can do by yourself or with a friend. Walking has not only been shown to have cardiovascular benefits, but it is a perfect time to step away from your responsibilities and simply unwind. Walking for just thirty minutes a day is a great long term investment in your mental and physical health.

Finding time for yourself can be hard, especially with work and life commitments. However, its impossible to perform your best in life if you dont take time to relax and unwind. You cant pour from an empty cup, so making a habit out of self care is essential for a healthy mind and body. Walking every day is one way you can relieve stress, get active, and even socialize with friends.

See the rest here:
Doctors Say Doing This Simple Activity Every Day Improves Your Mental Health Over 50 - SheFinds

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